Mapas Mentais e Emails corporativos

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Mapas Mentais e Emails corporativos por Mind Map: Mapas Mentais e Emails corporativos

1. situação-problema

1.1. To: [email protected]

1.2. From: Bruno Campos

1.3. subject: Difficulty in learning

1.4. Dear Mr. Caminada, My name is Bruno Campos, One of the class representatives. I come through this email to inform the class's difficulty in learning the English language We are not adapting to applied didactics, For many, it is their first contact with the language. We would like to know if you would have any recommendations to better absorb the material

1.5. Kind regards,

1.6. Bruno Campos

1.7. Class Representatives.

2. Possível solução para o mesmo

2.1. To: [email protected]

2.2. From: Moacyr Caminada

2.3. Subject: Your email on Difficulty in learning

2.4. Dear Bruno Campos, I am writing in response to your email to inform you that I will provide more intuitive classes, focused on calmly teaching those who are in difficulty, giving a revision in the applied didactics, but for that I need the cooperation of the class for more dynamic, interactive classes between students, I also recommend the visits to some sites and applications to adapt to foreign language,

2.5. Best Regards,

2.6. Moacyr Caminada