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Jody por Mind Map: Jody

1. ex secret service

1.1. what happened?

1.1.1. screwed up a detail? not her fault but she took the fall--ruined her career. She got out New node

1.2. martial artist

1.2.1. marksmanship smart

1.3. still has contacts there

1.3.1. also has FBI contacts because of an old case???

2. Environemental Issue

2.1. waste management company polluting

2.1.1. discovered by an engineer who is then attacked and needs protection--Jody must help him New node

3. studied law in college

3.1. joined secret service

3.2. New node

4. grew up overseas

4.1. mother/father teachers

4.1.1. uncle a Veterinarian in Colo.

5. art fraud

5.1. grad student in art appreciation and art history gets involved in fraudulent art dealings.

6. Backstory