Haematology Block

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Haematology Block por Mind Map: Haematology Block

1. Week 1 - Always Tired

1.1. Lectures

1.1.1. 1- Introduction to Anaemia

1.1.2. 2- Role of Haemoglobin in Oxygen Delivery to Tissues

1.1.3. 3- Megaloblastic Anaemia

1.1.4. 4- Iron Deficiency

1.1.5. 5- Introduction to Auto-Immunity

1.2. Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

1.2.1. 1- Laboratory Skills Full Blood Count & Coagulation

1.2.2. 2- Molecular Diagnostics in Haematology

1.3. PBL

1.3.1. Session 1

1.3.2. Session 2

1.3.3. Session 3

2. Week 2 - While I'm Here

2.1. Lectures

2.1.1. 1- Leukaemia – Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology & Management

2.1.2. 2- Leukaemia – What You Need To Know

2.1.3. 3- Lymphoma – What is It

2.1.4. 4- Introduction to Chemotherapy

2.1.5. 5- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Stem Cell Transplantation

2.2. Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

2.2.1. 1- Interpreting Abnormal Blood Counts/Films

2.2.2. 2- Laboratory Skills: Group Cross-Match

2.3. PBL

2.3.1. Session 1

2.3.2. Session 2

2.3.3. Session 3

3. Week 3 - A Swollen Knee

3.1. Lectures

3.1.1. 1- Physiology of Coagulation – Platelet & Clotting Factors

3.1.2. 2- Acquired Bleeding Disorders

3.1.3. 3- Benefits & Complications of Treating Haemophilia

3.1.4. 4- Blood Products in the Treatment of Disease

3.1.5. 5- vW disease

3.2. Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

3.2.1. 1- Interpreting Laboratory Tests in Bleeding Disorders

3.2.2. 2- Case Presentation: The Haemophilias & Von Willebrand’s Disease

3.3. PBL

3.3.1. Session 1

3.3.2. Session 2

3.3.3. Session 3

4. Week 4 - Pale & Feverish

4.1. Lectures

4.1.1. 1- Thalassaemia

4.1.2. 2- Approach to Infective Fever

4.1.3. 3- Diagnosis of Malaria

4.1.4. 4- Prenatal Diagnosis of Thalassaemia

4.1.5. 5- Common Parasitic Diseases

4.1.6. 6- Sickle Cell Disease

4.2. Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

4.2.1. 1- Interpreting Lab Tests in Anaemia

4.3. PBL

4.3.1. Session 1

4.3.2. Session 2

4.3.3. Session 3

5. Week 5 - Michelle’s Painful Calf

5.1. Lectures

5.1.1. 1- Thrombosis and Thrombophilia

5.1.2. 2- Anticoagulant Medication

5.1.3. 3- Diagnosis & Management of Pulmonary Embolism

5.1.4. 4- Anti-Platelet & Thrombolytic Agents

5.2. Basic and Clinical Sciences Theme

5.2.1. 1- Imaging in Haematology

5.2.2. 2- Medications in Pregnancy

5.3. PBL

5.3.1. Session 1

5.3.2. Session 2

5.3.3. Session 3

6. Themes

6.1. Patient-doctor theme

6.1.1. Communication skills 1- Dealing With Bad News 2- History Taking in Anaemia 3- History Taking in Haematological Malignancy 4- History Taking in Bleeding & Thrombotic Disorders

6.1.2. Procedural skills 1- Intravenous Cannulation and Venepuncture 2- Sharps and Needlestick Injury

6.1.3. Clinical diagnostic skills 1- Physical Examination in Haematology 2- Haematological Examination – Focus on Examining Lymph Nodes

6.2. CDT

6.2.1. 1- Services for the Elderly Haneef, Ghannam, and Gain

6.2.2. 2- Ethics of Prenatal Diagnosis Omar, Rakan, and Abdulaziz Saleh

6.2.3. 3- Video Presentation: Transfusion Practice Moyassar, Turkistani, and Yousif

6.3. PPD

6.3.1. Understanding Systems & Complexity Alselami, Hossam, and Mohammad Ali

6.3.2. 1- Doctor, Child & Family Hassan, Moayyad, and Maqati

6.3.3. What is Human Factors Engineering Sultan, Balawi, and Aldakhil

6.3.4. 2- Death & Dying Bader, Essam, and Hmoud

6.4. EBM

6.4.1. 1- Appraisal of Diagnosis Studies I

6.4.2. 2- Appraisal of Diagnosis studies II (PBL Groups)