
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Célula por Mind Map: Célula

1. Características estructurales

1.1. Project Sponsor

1.2. Project Manager

1.3. Developers

1.4. Primary User Group

1.5. Supporting Staff

2. Características

3. Teoría celular

3.1. Budget

3.1.1. Materials

3.1.2. Personel

3.1.3. Services

3.1.4. Duration

3.2. Delivery Timeline

3.3. Requirements


4.1. Define Project Schedule

4.1.1. Dependencies

4.1.2. Milestones

4.2. Limitations

4.2.1. Schedule

4.2.2. Budget

4.3. Define Project Development Measurement

4.3.1. KPI's