Minutes to Lose

Create a To-Do list for your upcoming tasks

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Minutes to Lose por Mind Map: Minutes to Lose

1. Track Workout

1.1. Save/Use

1.2. Track

1.2.1. workout Day

1.2.2. workout duration

1.3. Config

1.3.1. Save the workout to reuse

1.3.2. be able to call workout to repeat/reuse

1.4. Use

1.4.1. show graph of workout times/weights/distance

1.4.2. ***get weight, inches, etc and graph the resulting loss/gain

2. Needs

2.1. Code Needed

2.2. Input

2.2.1. User input time, weight, rep, etc

2.2.2. convert to timer (generic function to convert input time)

2.3. Timer

2.3.1. Aerobic Timer & Reset/Repeat

2.3.2. Rest Timer & Reset/Repeat

2.4. Shows

2.4.1. Timer

2.4.2. Activity

3. Home Screen

3.1. Choices

3.2. Strength

3.2.1. Upper Body

3.2.2. Lower Body

3.3. Duration

3.3.1. Reps

3.3.2. Time

3.4. Aerobics

3.4.1. Speed Time

3.4.2. Rest Time

4. Ideas for future

4.1. Brainstorming

4.2. Map my Run

4.2.1. Use mapping tool

4.2.2. Plan the run

4.3. Songs

4.3.1. Access Songs

4.3.2. Create Playlists

4.4. Stats

4.4.1. Get Pix on set days (Day 1, 30, 60, 90)

4.4.2. Goals/Motivation Reminders