Structures and Forces

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Structures and Forces por Mind Map: Structures and Forces

1. Purpose, Form and Function

1.1. Function: What the structure is used for

1.1.1. A cup things liquids inside

1.2. Form: What the structure looks like and how it was built

1.2.1. A computer has a rectangular shaped frame, and a clear glass screen

1.3. Purpose: What the structure was built to do

1.3.1. A ship is built to transport goods and people over bodies of water

2. Different Types of Structures

2.1. Shell Structures: A structure with a sturdy outside to support the hollow inside

2.1.1. An egg is a great example of a shell structure

2.1.2. Another example is an igloo

2.2. Frame Structures: Structures with a frame supporting it

2.2.1. An example is a bed

2.2.2. Another example is a suspension bridge

2.3. Solid Structures: Structures that have absolutely no space inside

2.3.1. An example of solid structures would be statues

2.3.2. An eraser is also another solid structure

2.4. Combination Structures: A structure that has two or more ways it is built

2.4.1. A human skeleton is a example of combination structures

2.4.2. Another example is a house

3. Loads

3.1. Dead Loads: The weight of itself caused by gravity

3.2. Live Loads: The weight of the load it's carrying

3.3. Dynamic Loads: The load that is unpredictable

4. Center Of Gravity

4.1. The center of gravity on a structure is where it`s weight is evenly balanced

4.1.1. An example is the middle of a seesaw

4.1.2. Another example would be a airplane. it has to have a center of gravity for it to balance in the air

5. Applied at the top of the structure

6. External Forces

6.1. Loads:The weight or power of the things it has to withstand or carry, the weight of gravity on the structure

6.1.1. Live Load: The weight of the objects it is meant to hold

6.1.2. Dead Load: The weight of gravity working on itself/the weight of itself

6.1.3. Dynamic Load: The weight of the unpredictable force that collides with the structure

6.2. Magnitude: How strong a force is

6.2.1. Heavy magnitude (Wrecking ball demolishing)

6.2.2. Moderate magnitude (Ball bouncing)

6.2.3. Light magnitude (Flicking switch on/off)

6.3. Direction of Force: How the force works

6.3.1. Pulling force: Pulls things

6.3.2. Pushing force: Pushes things foward

6.4. Point of Application: Where the force is applied/ wehre the object or thing is hit

6.4.1. Applied at the center of the structure

6.4.2. Applied at bottom of structures

6.5. Plane of application: The angle your at before you strike a structure

6.5.1. 45 degree angle

6.5.2. 90 degree angle

6.5.3. 180 degree angle

7. Internal Forces

7.1. Tension: The force of something being stretched or pulled

7.1.1. Jumping on a divingboard

7.1.2. Rubber band being pulled

7.2. Torsion: The force of something being twisted

7.2.1. Opening a jar

7.2.2. A tornado spinning

7.3. Shear: The force of something being pulled in two separate directions

7.3.1. Scissors cutting

7.3.2. Playing tug-of-war

7.4. Compression: The force of something being pushed by it's top layer

7.4.1. Sleeping on a pillow

7.4.2. Sitting on a chair