Mar me quer

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Mar me quer por Mind Map: Mar me quer

1. The author and Ilustrator

1.1. António Emílio Leite Couto or Mia Couto

1.2. João Nasi Pereira

2. Type of Book

2.1. Novel

2.2. Countains 8 chapters

2.3. Also a Love story

3. How does it end ?

3.1. It ends with the death of Zeca Perpétuo by the sea

4. Characters:

4.1. Zeca Perpétuo

4.2. Dona Luarmina

4.3. Agualberto Salvo-Erro

4.4. Mother of Zeca Perpétuo

5. Where´s the story situated?

5.1. mostly in the sea

5.2. Whole story is based in the sea

5.3. Next to the sea

6. How does it start?

6.1. The whole book is based in the ocean and it also starts and ends there