English class

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English class por Mind Map: English class

1. Alphabet

2. Verb to be

2.1. I am a doctor

2.2. You are beautiful

2.3. He is working

2.4. She is a nurse

2.5. We are friends

2.6. You are good at english

2.7. They are my brothers

3. ...

4. Interrogative and negative

5. I am not a doctor

6. am I a doctor?

7. Preposition

7.1. Mary is at home

7.2. The cat is on the chair

7.3. they are in Mexico

8. Past

8.1. I went to San Salvador

8.2. It was a sunny day

8.3. We were young

9. Countries, Nationalities and lenguages

9.1. Brazil

9.1.1. Brazilians Portuguese

9.2. France

9.2.1. French French

9.3. Japan

9.3.1. Japanese Japanese

10. Family

10.1. Father

10.2. Mother

10.3. Brother

10.4. Sister

11. clothing

11.1. Jeans

11.2. Gloves

11.3. tie

11.4. Shoes

11.5. Shirt

11.6. blouse

11.7. Skirt

12. Furniture & Appliances

12.1. Bed

12.2. Blender

12.3. Chair

12.4. Couch

12.5. Stove

13. Numbers

13.1. One car

13.2. Two apples

13.3. Three cats

14. Greeting

14.1. 1. Good morning

14.2. 2. Hello

14.3. 3. How are you?

14.4. 4. Good bye

14.5. 5. See you later

15. Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives

15.1. I

15.1.1. My Mine

15.2. You

15.2.1. Your Yours

15.3. He

15.3.1. His His

15.4. She

15.4.1. Her Hers

15.5. It

15.5.1. Its Its

15.6. We

15.6.1. Our Ours

15.7. They

15.7.1. Their Theirs

15.8. You

15.8.1. Your Yours

16. TIME

16.1. One o'clock

16.2. five past ten

16.3. Fifteen to three