Mrs. Martin's Web Awareness Mind Map

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Mrs. Martin's Web Awareness Mind Map por Mind Map: Mrs. Martin's  Web Awareness Mind Map

1. Digital Citizenship

1.1. Respect Content

1.1.1. Understand that someone created this content

1.1.2. You don't have to agree with everything you read

1.2. Respect Yourself

1.2.1. Digital Footprint

1.2.2. Protect your Privacy

1.3. Respect Other Users

1.3.1. Don't "Troll"or "Flame"

1.3.2. Communicate with the same manners that you would use in-person

1.3.3. Digital Etiquette or "Netiquette"

1.4. Respect copyright

1.4.1. Intellectual Property

1.4.2. Proper Citations APA format MLA format Chicago format

1.4.3. Referencing Hyperlinks Reference ideas that are not your own Reference resources that you used in your bibliography

2. Internet Searching

2.1. Know What to Avoid

2.1.1. Inappropriate Sites Inappropriate or unhealthy websites may be violent or sexually explicit

2.1.2. Advertising Commercial products or advertisements impact youth, and should be avoided during internet research

2.2. "Parental Settings"

2.2.1. be thoughtful if making these settings

2.2.2. can be useful to avoid sexually explicit content from coming up in searches

2.2.3. can sometimes block out useful information about sensitive topics (eg. Holocaust violence)

3. Effective Searches

3.1. Keywords

3.1.1. Nouns

3.1.2. Synonymns

3.1.3. Specific

3.1.4. Author or Title

3.1.5. Less is more

3.2. Phrases

3.2.1. "Quotation marks"

3.2.2. Associated with topic

3.2.3. Avoid redundant terms

3.3. Correct Spelling

3.4. Persistence and Patience

3.4.1. Refine your search

3.4.2. Try multiple searches

3.5. Tutorials

3.5.1. Check online tutorial for your search engine

4. Ethical Issues

4.1. Privacy

4.1.1. Protect your content

4.1.2. Don't post personal information

4.1.3. Personal Safety

4.2. Identity

4.2.1. Don't misrepresent yourself

4.2.2. Be mindful of your digital footprint

4.2.3. Safety from Identity Theft

4.3. Ownership

4.3.1. If you don't own it or have rights to distribute it, don't post it

4.3.2. Respect copyright

4.4. Trustworthiness

4.4.1. Discriminate between truthful and misrepresented individuals and resources

4.4.2. Think about informational Authenticity

4.4.3. Is it trying to sell you something?

4.4.4. Is it biased information?

4.5. Participation

4.5.1. Responsible use of technology

4.5.2. Creating and sharing media

4.5.3. Technology consumerism

4.5.4. Never copy and paste without proper citation