What does the economic and environmental consequences of the drought be ?

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What does the economic and environmental consequences of the drought be ? por Mind Map: What does the economic and environmental consequences of the drought be ?

1. conclusion:how the bussenis help the school ?

1.1. History:its help them when they give them a mony to get food and drinks .

1.2. social impacts :how the drought destroy lives people .

1.3. Economic impacts: make them lose there money .

2. Environmental consequenes

2.1. source 2 : support 2 business insider . with the least ability to roll with the punches .

2.2. explain : the above ground water avilibel for farmer buy one even there is no rain , missing snow .

2.3. source? support

2.3.1. explain

3. explain

4. Introduction: what is the economic does ?

4.1. History : the economic it a job its make a money and helps the people

4.2. Economic consequenes :the people are losing there money .

4.3. Enveironmental consequeenes :the farmers are losing their farm even there is no water and no money .

5. Economic consequenes

5.1. source 1:support 1 no crops ,no work ,no money . paycheck to paycheck .

5.2. explain: " no water equal no jobs ""pray for rain " and congress , created dust bowel .

5.3. source 3: support 3 :

5.3.1. explain