14 IDEA Disabilities

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14 IDEA Disabilities por Mind Map: 14 IDEA Disabilities

1. Emotional Disturbance

1.1. Characteristic

1.1.1. Inability to learn

1.1.2. Inability to build/maintain relationships

1.1.3. Inappropriate behavior/feelings

1.1.4. Pervasive mood of unhappiness/depression

1.1.5. Development of physical symptoms associated with personal problems

2. Intellectual Disability

2.1. Intellectual

2.2. Adaptive behavior deficits

2.3. Adverse effects to educational performance

2.4. Link - Case Study: Sydney

2.5. Interventions/Modifications

2.5.1. Low Teacher-Student Ratio

2.5.2. Tactile learning/Construction

2.5.3. Segmented Schedule

2.5.4. Safety Training

3. Multiple Disabilities

3.1. Simultaneous

3.2. Severe

3.3. Cannot be accomodated by special ed program

4. Orthopedic Impairment

4.1. Impairment

4.2. Severe

5. Other Health Impairment

5.1. Characteristic

5.1.1. Limitations Strength Vitality Aletness

5.1.2. Chronic or acute health problems

6. Specific Learning Disability

6.1. Disorder

6.2. Psychological

6.2.1. Manifestations include difficulty to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations

7. Traumatic Brain Injury

7.1. Injury

7.2. Acquired

7.3. Adverse effects to educational performance


9. Specified

10. References:

10.1. 2012. What is SLI?. Retrived from https://youtu.be/Pqu7w6t3Rmo

10.2. 2014. Emotional Disturbance in the Classroom: Don't Give Up on Bobby. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/pJFAUAutxBA

10.3. 2009. Early Recognition of Child Development Problems / Educatgional Video. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/KrUNBfyjlBk

10.4. 2010. The ASHA Leader. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Three Case Studies. Retrieved from http://www.asha.org/Publications/leader/2010/100119/AutismCaseStudies.htm

10.5. 2015. Jake's Story. Retrieved from http://www.med.unc.edu/ahs/clds/resources/deaf-blind-model-classroom-resources/db-case-studies/jakes-story-1

10.6. Heichemer, C. 2012. Intellectual Disability Case Study #1. Retrieved from https://prezi.com/u3x4q8kgzttz/intellectual-disabilities-case-study-1/

11. Autism

11.1. Developmental

11.2. Verbal

11.3. Nonverbal

11.4. Link - 3 short case studies on Autism Specturm Disorders:

11.5. Interventions/Modifications

11.5.1. Assistive and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

11.5.2. Computer Access Aids

11.5.3. Daily Living Aids

12. Deaf-Blindness

12.1. Impairment

12.2. Simultaneous

12.3. Hearing

12.4. Visual

12.5. Linguistics/Communication

12.6. Link - Case Study: Jake's story

12.7. Interventions/Modifications:

12.7.1. Auditory Training

12.7.2. Safety Orientation

12.7.3. Trust Exercises

12.7.4. Tactile Development

13. Deafness

13.1. Impairment

13.2. Hearing

13.3. Linguistics/Communication

13.4. Adverse effects to educational performance

14. Developmental Delay

14.1. Developmental

14.2. Physical

14.3. Cognitive

14.4. Communication

14.5. Social/Emotional

14.6. adaptive/behaviorial

15. Hearing impairment

15.1. Impairment

15.2. Hearing

15.3. Adverse effects to educational performance

16. Speech or language impairment

16.1. Impairment

16.2. Linguistics/Communication

16.3. Adverse effects to educational performance

17. Visual Impairment including blindness

17.1. Impairment

17.2. Visual

17.3. Adverse effects to educational performance


19. Developmental