The Brain

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The Brain por Mind Map: The Brain

1. Adrenaline is what is released from the adrenal glad. This is energy that is released in times of need.

1.1. When Brain is running through the school along with all the other students in detention, their adrenaline is being released because they are in need of the extra blast of energy in order to avoid contact with the teacher.

2. Conformity

2.1. Conformity is going along with what others are doing so you won't feel left out or thought of as different

2.1.1. When Claire and Bender go off to smoke Brian feels left out so he conforms to what they are doing and goes to smoke with them

3. Endorphins

3.1. Any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions.

3.1.1. When Brain starts to smoke with the other individuals in the film, it makes him feel good. Smoking releases endorphin in the brain. Endorphin's are in charge of releasing pleasure.

4. Adrenal Glands

5. Learned helplessness

5.1. Learned helplessness is when someone tries to avoid consequences before they have the opportunity to arise.

5.1.1. demonstrates thins in the beginning when, after the door closes, he mentions it once and then stops trying to fight.

6. Authoritarian parent

6.1. An authoritarian parent sets many rules and closely monitors their child's behavior. They don't offer much support for their needs

6.1.1. Brians parents put a lot of pressure on him to succeed in school and to not get in trouble. At the beginning when they drop him off his mom says that she wants him to study during the detention. Instead of offering support and trying to figure out why he was in detention she is angry that he is losing studying time.

7. Genuineness (Real vs. Ideal Self)

7.1. The genuineness of a person is dictated by how their real self compares to the ideal version of themselves.

7.1.1. This connects to Brian because to other people, he seems very genuine. They see him as someone who aspires to be the most intelligent, and he has achieved that. In reality, he is not genuine and he feels like pressured that he hasn't achieved enough.

8. structure of personality: superego

8.1. the superego is the part of your personality that cares about things like morals and doing what is right.

8.1.1. Brian has a large influence from his superego because he feels the need to follow the rules given by the teacher. for example, he felt the need to do the paper that the teacher assigned at the beginning of class

9. Adolescent ego-centrism

9.1. this is the time where teenagers are very conscious about everything they do and feel a large need to fit in

9.1.1. in sevral instances in the movie Brian tries to fit in with the rest of the group because he thought that he would be judged bad if he was not. he did this when he joined in to smoke with the other and in the conversation about school clubs, Brian joined in to try and show how he is similar to the other members of the group