Solving global warming

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Solving global warming por Mind Map: Solving global warming

1. Travel

1.1. Best travel

1.1.1. Walk

1.1.2. Use Public Transport

1.1.3. Bike

1.1.4. Car Fuel efficient Hybrid Electric Car Pool Tyres Keep full every week

1.2. Bad Travel

1.2.1. Don't fly

2. Home

2.1. Change to energy efficient light bulbs

2.2. Appliances

2.2.1. Chosse energy efficient ones

2.3. Electricity

2.3.1. Turn off appliances at the power point

2.4. Use clothesline, not dryer

2.5. Install photo-voltaic panes

2.6. Have a solar water heater

2.7. Have insulation

3. Plant trees

4. Eat less meat

5. Buy local food

5.1. Buy fresh food not frozen

5.1.1. Go to markets

6. Switch to green power