The Myth of Eos

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The Myth of Eos por Mind Map: The Myth of Eos

1. Her duty is to ride her chariot (drawn by her two horses Lampus & Phaethon) to Mount Olympus and announce the coming of Helios

2. After Helios appears. she rides with him and becomes Hemera (Day) and later Hespera (Dusk) until they arrive on the western shore.

3. Slept with Ares, which caused Aphrodite to curse her with a constant longing for young lovers, who she seduced

4. Her tears that fall as she rides through the sky weeping for one of her dead sons are the dew on the morning leaves

5. Eos, Goddess of the Dawn

6. Daughter of Hyperion & Theia

7. Sister of Helios (the Sun) & Selene (the Moon)

8. Mother of the Four Winds: Boreas, Eurus, Zephyrus, and Notus