Vocalist & Professional Singer

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Vocalist & Professional Singer por Mind Map: Vocalist & Professional Singer

1. Events

1.1. Concerts & Live Performances

1.1.1. Recording Collaborations

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Keep body, mind, and voice healthy

2.1.1. Staying innovative

3. Majors/Colleges

3.1. No official degree required

3.1.1. Associations stemming from colleges are very helpful

4. Certifications

4.1. Professional Training required

4.2. Must have been trained to master voice

5. Job Titles

5.1. Singer

6. Favorite Subjects

6.1. Mathematics

6.1.1. Advanced Vocal Choir

7. Lifestyle

7.1. millions of dollars, travels around the world

8. Associations

8.1. Record Producers

8.1.1. Other singers and artists