Chartboost Business Onboarding

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Chartboost Business Onboarding por Mind Map: Chartboost Business Onboarding

1. Product

1.1. Product requests / feedback tools and processes

1.2. Product Strengths and Weaknesses

1.3. Product team overview and responsibilities

1.4. Product Roadmap

1.5. Resources

2. Support Structure and Process

2.1. Effective Support Interaction

2.2. Support Team Overview

2.3. Support and Engineering Process

3. Server to Server (S2S)

3.1. S2S partners (Key differentiators)

3.2. Setting up Callbacks

3.3. Postback Setup

3.4. Common Problems and Solutions

3.5. Troubleshooting

4. Misc Questions, Issues and Subjects

4.1. Marketplace Basics

4.2. Publishing vs. Advertising

4.3. What is mediation?

4.4. Campaign Setup

4.4.1. Bid Floors

4.4.2. Bid By pub

4.4.3. Bid Types

4.4.4. Direct Deals

4.4.5. Cross Promotion

4.4.6. Advertising CPC

4.4.7. All About Creatives

4.4.8. Publishing

4.4.9. Campaign Optimization

4.4.10. CPI, CPC, CPCV, CPM?

4.4.11. Advertising CPI

4.4.12. Rewarded Video

4.4.13. CPM

4.4.14. Buyouts

4.4.15. Ad Types

4.5. Adding Apps

4.5.1. Appstore Requirements

4.5.2. Handling icons

4.6. DIfferences between IOS, Android, Unity, Amazon SDKs

5. Tech Skills

5.1. Common Problems and Responses

5.2. Charles

5.3. MetaMarkets

5.4. Reports

5.5. The Report API

6. Chartboost Strategy

6.1. Chartboost Mission

6.2. Chartboost Values and Ethics

6.3. Market Differentiation

6.4. Current Tactical Focus