Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

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Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software por Mind Map: Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

1. What You Need : Authoring Systems

1.1. Types of authoring tools:

1.1.1. Card-and page-based authoring tools

1.1.2. Icon-and object-based authoring tools

1.1.3. Time-based authoring tools

1.2. Objects

1.3. Choosing an authoring tool

1.3.1. Editing and organizing features

1.3.2. Programming features

1.3.3. Interactivity features

1.3.4. Performance tuning and playback features

1.3.5. Delivery,cross-platform and Internet playability features

2. What You Need : The Intangbiles

2.1. Creativity

2.2. Organization

2.3. Communication

3. Multimedia Development Process

3.1. 1)Planning and costing

3.2. 2)Designing and producing

3.3. 3)Testing

3.4. 4)Delivering

4. What You Need : Software

4.1. Text editing and word processing tools

4.2. OCR software

4.3. Painting and drawing software

4.4. 3-D modeling tools

4.5. Image editing tools

4.6. Sound editing tools

4.7. Animation,video and digital movie tools

5. What You Need : Hardware

5.1. Production platform

5.2. Connections

5.3. Memory and storage devices

5.4. Input devices

5.5. Output devices

6. What You Need : Multimedia Skills

6.1. Project Manager

6.2. Multimedia Designer

6.3. Interface Designer

6.4. Writer

6.5. Audio/Video Specialist

6.6. Multimedia Programmer