Chapter 3 TEXT

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Chapter 3 TEXT por Mind Map: Chapter 3 TEXT

1. Font and Typeface

1.1. Font Styles

1.1.1. Boldface

1.1.2. Italic

1.1.3. Underlining

1.1.4. Outlining

1.2. Font Terminology

1.2.1. Baseline

1.2.2. Cap height

1.2.3. x-height

1.2.4. Ascenders/Descenders

1.2.5. Kerning

1.2.6. Tracking

1.2.7. Serif

1.2.8. Sans serif

1.3. Cases

1.3.1. Capitalized letter

1.3.2. Placing an uppercase letter

2. Text elements

2.1. Menus for navigation

2.2. Interactive buttons

2.3. Fields for reading

2.4. HTML documents

2.5. Symbols and icons

3. Hypermedia

3.1. Not constrained to be text based

3.2. include other media eg graphics, images, video and audio

3.3. Links

3.4. Nodes

3.5. Anchors

4. Bitmap font and Vector font

4.1. Bitmap

4.1.1. Require a lot of memory

4.1.2. Non-scalable

4.1.3. File size increases as more sizes are added

4.2. Vector

4.2.1. File size smaller than bitmaps

4.2.2. True type, Open type and PostScript

5. Hypertext

5.1. text which contains links to other texts

5.2. subset of hypermedia