Absolute Monarchs

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Absolute Monarchs por Mind Map: Absolute Monarchs

1. Ferdinand II

1.1. 1578-1637

1.2. Ausrtian

1.3. a member of the House of Habsburg

1.4. Ruled Spain

1.5. Supported Columbus

2. Louis XIV

2.1. Predecessor was Louis XIII

2.2. 1661-1715

2.3. Worked hard at restoring the kings position

2.4. Reshaped France

2.5. Increased taxes

2.5.1. caused revolts

3. Louis XIII

3.1. Predecessor was Henry IV

3.2. abolished government offices that nobles held

3.3. Declared open war on Habsburg

3.4. Aided Protestants

3.5. 1610-1643

4. Henry IV

4.1. Edict of Nantes in 1598

4.2. bribed people

4.3. 1589-1610

4.4. Founded French silk industry

4.4.1. became a very high revenue source