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Assessment por Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. Assesses a student’s performance during instruction, and usually occurs regularly throughout the instruction process.

1.1.1. Examples: Discussions Quiz

2. Interim/Benchmark

2.1. Evaluates student performance at periodic intervals, frequently at the end of a grading period. Can predict student performance on end-of-year summative tests.

2.1.1. Examples: Every 6 six weeks Chapter text

3. Summative

3.1. Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction

3.1.1. Examples: Standardized Testing Research Projects Finals

4. Performance

4.1. A measure of educational achievement in which students produce a response, create a product, or apply knowledge in ways similar to tasks required in the instructional or real-life environment. The performance measures are analyzed and interpreted according to preset criteria.

4.1.1. Examples: Individual or group projects Portfolios Student logs

5. Diagnostic

5.1. Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction.

5.1.1. Examples: Unit pretest Placement test

6. RTI Assessment Data 2nd Grade Reading Level at MOY Student 1: EDL 2 Student 2: EDL 10 Student 3: EDL 14

6.1. Strategies for Student 1

6.1.1. PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS Syllable Games Onset/Rime Games Rhyming Games Blending and Segmenting Games

6.2. Strategies for Student 2

6.2.1. FLUENCY Timed repeated readings Choral Reading Shared Reading

6.3. Strategies for Student 3

6.3.1. COMPREHENSION Anticipation Guide Listen-Read-Discuss Story Sequence

7. H.O.T Questions

7.1. Opening

7.1.1. Based on the illustration, what do you think this story is going to be about?

7.1.2. Based on the title, what do you think is going to happen in the story?

7.2. Guided

7.2.1. Why did the character feel,,,,?

7.2.2. What reason is for the character to....?

7.2.3. What was the motive behind?

7.3. Closing

7.3.1. Why was it better that...?

7.3.2. How would you compare...? Contrast....?

7.3.3. If you were the character, would you...?

7.4. Higher Order Thinking Questions

