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English 200 SLOs (5-Week) создатель Mind Map: English 200 SLOs (5-Week)

1. SLO1: Use a multi-step writing process that includes drafting, editing, and proofreading, while making use of written and oral feedback.

1.1. Apply writing as a process.

1.1.1. essay

1.2. Apply planning as a process.

1.2.1. Determine the purpose and structure of a formal topic outline. outline

1.2.2. Determine the purpose and structure of a literature review. essay

1.2.3. Determine the purpose and structure of a policy paper. essay

1.3. Apply drafting as a process.

1.3.1. Write effective introductory and concluding paragraphs. essay

1.3.2. Write effective topic sentences. essay

1.3.3. Draft a literature review. essay

1.3.4. Draft a formal topic outline. outline

1.3.5. Draft a policy paper. essay

1.4. Apply revising as a process.

1.4.1. Test a thesis. essay

1.4.2. Revise a literature review. essay

1.4.3. Revise a formal topic outline. outline

1.4.4. Revise a policy paper. essay

1.5. Apply editing as a process.

1.5.1. Edit a literature review. essay

1.5.2. Edit a formal topic outline. outline

1.5.3. Edit a policy paper. essay

1.6. Explain the purpose and structure of peer and tutor feedback.

1.6.1. peer feedback

1.7. Give effective peer feedback.

1.7.1. peer feedback

1.8. Receive effective peer feedback.

1.8.1. peer feedback

1.9. (Optional) Receive feedback from a tutor.

1.9.1. tutoring

2. SLO2: Write research-based compositions appropriate to various academic fields.

2.1. Identify research as a process.

2.1.1. quest sheets

2.2. Identify the first steps in the research process.

2.2.1. quest sheets

2.3. Plan a policy paper.

2.3.1. Evaluate a key issue on college success. quest sheets

2.3.2. Choose a specific issue on college success and examine possible solutions. quest sheets

2.3.3. Summarize the current knowledge of a specific issue on college success. essay

2.3.4. Choose viable solutions to a specific issue on college success. essay

2.4. Define a research paper.

2.4.1. essay

2.5. Determine the purpose and structure of the policy paper.

2.5.1. essay

2.6. Plan and create a rough draft for the policy paper.

2.6.1. essay

2.7. Revise and edit the final draft of the policy paper.

2.7.1. essay

3. SLO 5: Demonstrate proficiency in organizational, rhetorical, and grammatical skills.

3.1. Identify sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3.1.1. quiz

3.2. Edit sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

3.2.1. essay

3.3. Identify subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement problems.

3.3.1. quiz

3.4. Edit subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement problems.

3.4.1. essay

3.5. Use commas, semicolons, and colons effectively.

3.5.1. quiz

3.5.2. essay

3.6. Use apostrophes and quotation marks effectively.

3.6.1. quiz

3.6.2. essay

3.7. Use capitalization, abbreviations, and numbers effectively.

3.7.1. quiz

3.7.2. essay

3.8. Identify slang, clichés, biased language, and overly general words.

3.8.1. quiz

3.9. Edit slang, clichés, biased language, and overly general words.

3.9.1. essay

4. SLO3: Locate, assess, and utilize academically appropriate source material.

4.1. Find academic and professional sources.

4.1.1. Determine the purpose and structure of the quest sheets. quest sheets

4.1.2. Complete Quest Sheet 1, which focuses on search terms. quest sheets

4.1.3. Find academic and professional sources for Quest Sheets 2-5. quest sheets

4.2. Evaluate sources effectively.

4.2.1. Evaluate academic and professional sources for Quest Sheets 2-5. quest sheets

4.2.2. Evaluate academic and professional sources for the Policy Paper. essay

4.3. Manage sources.

4.3.1. Determine the purpose and structure of an annotated bibliography. annotated bibliography

4.3.2. Create a rough draft of an annotated bibliography. annotated bibliography

4.3.3. Revise and edit a final draft of an annotated bibliography. annotated bibliography

5. SLO4: Apply methods of citation appropriate to an academic field.

5.1. Explain the purpose and characteristics of APA style documentation.

5.1.1. Document academic and professional sources for Quest Sheets 2-5. quest sheets

5.1.2. Document academic and professional sources for the Policy Paper. essay