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Mandatory Chorus Rehearsals создатель Mind Map: Mandatory Chorus Rehearsals

1. Motivation

1.1. Attribution Theory

1.1.1. Peterson, C.W. (2002). Recruiting for the choral ensemble by emphasizing skill and effort. Music Educator’s Journal, 89(2), 32-35.https://doi.org/10.2307/3399839 Often singers feel discouraged from some outside factor/experience

1.1.2. Hedden, D.G. (2007). Differences between elementary student participants and nonparticipants in a choral festival. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 25(2), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.1177/87551233070250020106 took into account internal/external factors such as self-perception, outside musical activities, gender & attributional factors

2. Audition/Non-Auditioned

2.1. Haworth, J.L. (1992). Elementary school choirs and auditions Music Educators Journal, 79(4), 44-46.

2.1.1. advocates for non-auditioned choirs to allow any student to experience benefits of choral singing

2.2. Wilson, S.W. (2003). The young elementary school chorus. Music Educators Journal, 89(5), 32-37. https://doi.org/10.2307/3399917

2.2.1. The ONLY article I found specifically addressing mandatory chorus (albeit brief)

2.2.2. believes that only students who want to be there should participate

2.2.3. students who do not want to be there will make it a negative experience for those who do

3. Recruitment

3.1. Luethi, D. (2015). Ten steps to recruiting singers. Music Educator’s Journal, 102(1), 25-27. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432115595969

3.1.1. Using Feeder Programs for recruitment

3.1.2. ex: performances for feeder buildings, working with older students

4. Male Singers

4.1. "Possible Selves"

4.1.1. Freer, P.K. (2009). ‘I’ll sing with my buddies’ — Fostering the possible selves of male choral singers. International Journal of Music Education, 27(4), 341-355. https://doi.org/10.1177/0255761409345918 examines factors such as voice changes, developmental milestones and positive/negative influences that affect choral setting

4.2. Demorest, S.M. (2000). Encouraging male participation in chorus. Music Educators Journal, 86(4) 38-41. https://doi.org/10.2307/3399604.

4.2.1. Creating a workshop setting to help with recruitment