What heathy living looks like to Me

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What heathy living looks like to Me создатель Mind Map: What heathy living looks like to Me

1. Nutrition- Keeping yourself healthy at this age is very important. keeping a healthy nutritional diet is very helpful to your mind and body. for example following the Canadian food guide is always a good place to start. a healthy diet also provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macro nutrients, micro nutrients, and adequate calories. You want to stay on top of these things making sure you are getting enough of what you need to keep your nutrition high and your body happy :)

2. Physical activity- Physical exercise is something every child teenager or adult should get. it does not only keep you in shape but can keep your mind in shape. some reasons to make sure you are getting the correct amount of physical activity is to Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Reduce Your Risk of Some Cancers. Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles. Improve Your Mental Health and Mood. Physical activity experts say that us teenagers should be getting at least 60-70 minutes of activity each day. keep these things in mind while working through the day

3. Healthy relationships- healthy relationships, rather that is with your friends,family,significant other or even yourself all relationships i feel like must have a very good balance in trust and honesty. all about caring for one another, supporting is all so very important in relationships. Choosing to be around people who make you happy and love the person you are when you are with them. being there for someone showing that you care is all anyone can really ask for in a relationship. Equality, respect, communication, there are so many things that come to having a healthy relationship. they are not always perfect and some take healing work & effort. most of these come naturally which is a plus when looking for new relationships with people. be true to yourself and true to your people. recognize the importance of them and realize what you have when you have it.

4. Positive lifestyle- Thinking about the positive in life isn't always easy to do. life comes in black and white. you are not going to be positive all the time. But having an overall positive lifestyle is a very important thing to have as a human. live in the moment, remind yourself that you are OK, learn how to be comfortable with yourself, appreciate and be grateful for the little things in life. that is what i see when having a positive lifestyle. All of this takes time and isnt always easy to feel the positive but once you are there, life feels simply so much more worth it.