Impact of computer to every children

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Impact of computer to every children создатель Mind Map: Impact of computer to every children


1.1. Easy information access

1.2. A new and easy way to learn

1.2.1. Online tasks

1.2.2. More interesting curriculum

1.3. Satisfy their curiousity

1.3.1. Expands children's world view

1.4. Entertainment

1.4.1. Interacting with other people through games Boosting self-confidence

1.4.2. Improving thinking capablity Increasing concentration level

1.5. Express their creativity through websites

1.5.1. Share ideas


2.1. Lack of physical exercise

2.1.1. Sedentary lifestyle

2.1.2. Obesity

2.1.3. Poor eyesight

2.2. Abuse the use of computer

2.3. Get addicted

2.4. Websites that contains violent materials

2.4.1. Crucial role for young generation

2.5. Less time for family