How Multitasking Negatively Impacts Task Initiation

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How Multitasking Negatively Impacts Task Initiation создатель Mind Map: How Multitasking Negatively Impacts Task Initiation

1. Issues

1.1. Rapid task-switching sometimes eliminates task initiation since there is no true focus on the task at hand

1.2. Task-switching can end up becoming a habit that is difficult to break

1.3. If task-switching is considered procrastination, then it directly harms task initiation since the task never is started until the last minute

2. Examples

2.1. The subject in this example: a lesson in math

2.2. The task switching: checking social media "for a moment" after the math lecture, but before the problem set

2.3. The result: task initiation is delayed and the math lesson takes more time than it originally would have

3. Fixes

3.1. Make the surroundings tranquil with no distractions, so the student will have to focus on work