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The Cold War создатель Mind Map: The Cold War

1. sea blockade against Cuba, Cuba Crisis ( 22.10.1962)

2. Suez-Crisis (1956)

3. Berlin-Ultimatum ( 27.11.1958)

4. Southern Vietnam is supported by the US

5. Northern Vietnam is supported by China and the SU (communist)

6. Winston Churchill

6.1. "An iron curtain has descended across the continent." (1946)

7. McCarthyism

8. Israel

9. Egypt, Syria, Jordan

10. Japan

10.1. surrender after Hiroshima and Nagasaki

11. US

11.1. Richard Nixon

11.1.1. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I &II (1969-72 Leonid Breschnew

11.2. Marshall-Plan (1947)

11.3. Harry S. Truman

11.3.1. Truman-Doctrine (1947)

11.4. January 1953: Roll-Back-Strategy

11.5. Ronald Reagan

11.5.1. wants to win the Cold War

11.6. Moon landing (21.07.1969)

11.7. 06. / 09.8.1945 Atomic Bombs dropped onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki

11.8. Dwight D. Eisenhower

11.8.1. 05.01.1957 Eisenhower-Doctrine

12. Conferences / Pacts

12.1. 17.07. – 02.08. 1945 Potsdamer Konferenz: US, USSR, GB

12.2. London Six-Power Conference (1948): US, GB, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)

12.2.1. USSR left the Allied Control Council (1948)

12.3. Founding of the Nato ( 04.04.1949)

12.3.1. BRD enters 1955

12.4. Paris-Treaties 1955 Germany as sovereign state

12.5. summit meeting in Camp David (1959)

12.6. Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968)

12.7. Moscow Treaty ( 12.08.1970)

12.8. Helsinki Accounts ( 01.08.1975)

12.8.1. Paris Charta (21.11.1990)

12.9. NATO Double-Track Decision (1979)

12.10. Reykjavik-Conference (11. / 12.10.1986)

12.11. INF-Disarmament-Treaty for Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (08.12.1987)

12.12. summit meeting in Washington (1987) and Moscow (1988)

13. Mudschaheddin

14. Disarmament

15. conflicts between the US and the USSR:

16. Poland

16.1. martial law (13.12.1981)

17. Czechoslovakia

17.1. 1948 coup d'état

17.2. Prag-Spring ended (21.08.1968)

17.2.1. justified by Breschnew (12.11.1968)

18. Afghanistan

19. USSR

19.1. Gorbatschow

19.1.1. resigned (26.12.1991)

19.2. Joseph Stalin

19.2.1. 10.03.1952 Stalin-Note

19.3. shot down an US spotter plane ( 01.05.1960 )

19.4. Berlin Blockade (24.06.1948)

19.5. Sputnik-Shock (1957)

19.6. Berlin-Ultimatum (1958)

19.7. Nikita Krushchev

19.7.1. visits the US ( 15. – 27.09.1959) to visit Eisenhower, praises peaceful coexistence

19.8. Atomic Bomb tested in Kazachstan (1949) invented partly through espionage in the US, GB

20. "Jetzt wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört." - Willy Brandt

21. Germany

21.1. Currency Reform ( 20.06.1948 )

21.2. Founding of the BRD by US; GB, F (23.05.1949)

21.3. Founding of the DDR by the Soviet Union (07.10.1949)

21.4. start of the building of the Berlin Wall (13.08.1961)

21.5. Four Power Agreement on Berlin (1971)

21.6. Fall of the Berlin Wall (09.11.1989 )

21.7. Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (12.09.1990)

21.8. Reunification of Germany (03.10.1990)