Web 2.0 Tools and Apps

Web 2.0 tools and Apps that can be used in various educational settings.

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Web 2.0 Tools and Apps создатель Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools and Apps

1. Creation

1.1. Educreations App

1.1.1. Creation of video lessons Educreations

1.2. Annotate.net 2.0 Tools

1.2.1. Annotate documents for reading comprehension Annotate | Mobile Interactive Whiteboard, Student Response System

1.3. Hudl 2.0 Tool and App

1.3.1. Video breakdown and analysts of competitive events. Hudl: We Help Teams and Athletes Win

1.4. Mindmeister 2.0 Tool

1.4.1. Creating Graphic Organizers MindMeister: Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming

1.5. Wakelet App

1.5.1. Sharing information onto different platforms. Create a Tweet from a screen shot. Wakelet

1.6. Youtube 2.0 Tool

1.6.1. Video creation and sharing. YouTube

2. Communication

2.1. Facebook 2.0 Tool and App

2.1.1. Social media platform to share Ideas, photos, and videos. Facebook - Log In or Sign Up

2.2. Remind App

2.2.1. Professional texting/ emailing system for communication with community members. Remind


2.3.1. App used to share information within a team. Can send messages, upload a calendar, and upload photos Team App

2.4. Infinite Campus 2.0 Tool and App

2.4.1. Grade processing tool in which teachers can access contact information as well as mass email parents. https://www.infinitecampus.com/

2.5. Podcast App

2.5.1. Audio broadcasting tool. All mobile devices come with some sort of forum that hold multiple podcasts. ‎The Podcast App

2.6. GroupMe App

2.6.1. Messaging tool that allows for several groupings based on different criteria. GroupMe | Group text messaging with GroupMe

2.7. Google Keep 2,0 Tool and App

2.7.1. Digital "to-do" list that can be shared and altered by multiple adults at once. Sign in - Google Accounts

3. Collaboration

3.1. Twitter 2.0 Tool and App

3.1.1. Social media tool that can be used to share ideas, promote organizations, upload video, and upload photos. My Twitter is a professional Twitter. Twitter. It's what's happening.bird

3.2. Teachers Pay Teachers 2.0 Tool

3.2.1. Site where teachers can share lesson plans and resources. Can even buy resources Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers

3.3. Google Drive 2.0 Tool and App

3.3.1. Cloud to upload and save documents, photos and videos. All can be shared with others via google email. https://drive.google.com

3.4. DropBox 2.0 Tool and App

3.4.1. Cloud to upload multiple types of information. Very similar to Google Drive but was created earlier. More compatible with non Google users. Dropbox

3.5. Socrative App

3.5.1. Can share quizzes and games with students and other teachers to use in real time and compare results. Socrative

3.6. Study.com Web 2.0

3.6.1. Study.com is a paid subscription tool that can provide lesson plans, and courses for teachers to use and to help prepare themselves if needed. I used it when I made the switch from P.E. to History. Study.com | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers

3.7. Google Classroom 2.0 Tool and App

3.7.1. Google Classroom is the ultimate digital classroom. I can upload material, assignments, slideshows, and document links for all my students to see. My students can review and turn in assignments to be graded and receive feedback. Sign in - Google Accounts