How successful was Russia in tackling Covid-19 in comparison to other countries?

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How successful was Russia in tackling Covid-19 in comparison to other countries? создатель Mind Map: How successful was Russia in tackling Covid-19 in comparison to other countries?

1. Hospitals

1.1. Spain

1.1.1. Lack of equipment

1.1.2. Cooperation with UNICEF

1.2. France

1.2.1. Lack of masks&tests

1.2.2. Emptying the hospitals

1.3. Russia

1.3.1. Enough equipment

1.3.2. New hospitals for infected

1.3.3. Helps to other states

1.4. Switzerland

1.4.1. Enough equipment

1.4.2. Tests to other states

2. Spread of disease

2.1. Spain

2.1.1. Decreasing contamination (~3000 daily )

2.1.2. Total recovery of 92 000 people

2.2. France

2.2.1. Increasing number of infected (~1909 daily)

2.2.2. Total recovery of 38037 people

2.3. Switzerland

2.3.1. Decreasing number of infected (~181 daily)

2.3.2. Total recovery of 21000 people

2.4. Russia

2.4.1. Increasing number of infected (~5000)

2.4.2. Total recovery of 6250 people

3. Preventive measures

3.1. Spain

3.1.1. Late response to virus

3.1.2. Massive events till March

3.2. France

3.2.1. Stop usage of certain painkillers

3.2.2. Closure of businesses

3.3. Russia

3.3.1. Closed schools&universities (17.03)

3.3.2. Lack of facial masks

3.4. Switzerland

3.4.1. Testing system for every citizen

3.4.2. Clinical trials in infection prevention

4. Self-isolation

4.1. Switzerland

4.1.1. non-enforced quarantine restriction on public events closure of public places

4.2. Russia

4.2.1. Closure of public places

4.2.2. Digital passages in Moscow (15.04)

4.2.3. Non-working month 64% continue working

4.2.4. Control of police

4.3. Spain

4.3.1. Strict quarantine Track by mobile data Fines for disobedience Closure of public places

4.4. France

4.4.1. Lockdown for everyone Closure of public places Fines for disobedience

5. Borders

5.1. Closure in Spain (17.03)

5.2. Closure in Russia (30.03)

5.3. Closure in Switzerland (16.03)

5.4. Closure in France (16.03)