Chapter 2 Principles of Film

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Chapter 2 Principles of Film создатель Mind Map: Chapter 2 Principles of Film

1. EQ #3 What is parallel editing and how does it utilize pattern?

1.1. Patterns

1.1.1. a technique that makes different lines of actions appear to be occurring simultaneously

1.1.2. creates an illusion of connections among these various shots, leaving us with an impression of continuous, anxiety-producing drama

1.1.3. creates a disorientating effect

2. EQ #7 What is the difference between realism and antirealism in a movie, and why is verisimilitude important to them both?

2.1. antirealism: an interest in or concern for the abstract, speculative, or fantastic

2.2. realism: complex concept because it refers to several significant and related ideas

2.3. realism: implies that the world it depicts looks, sounds, and moves like the real world

2.4. Realism: lifelike, illusion

2.5. antirealism: treatment that is against or the opposite of realism

2.6. verisimilitude is used in both antirealism and realism in order to create a sense of truth to convince the audience

3. EQ #6 How do movies manipulate time?

3.1. illustrating pattern, cinematic space, and the relationship between form and content can also teach us about how movies manipulate time

3.2. parallel action, split screen

3.3. organizing story events in nonchronological order

4. EQ #5 How does a movie manipulate space?

4.1. Move seamlessly from one space to another, space move (changing the physical, emotional relationship between the viewer and the subject), or fragment time in many different ways

4.2. Movies give time to space and space to time

4.3. The Lens: perceives what is placed before it through a series of shots made with different lenses, from camera positions and angles, using different movement under different lighting

4.4. Camera mediates between the exterior (the world) and the interior (one's eyes and brains)

4.5. Mediation - process by which an agent, structure, or other formal element, whether human or technological, transfers something from one place to another

5. EQ #1 How and why do we differentiate between form and content in a movie, and why are they relevant to one another?

5.1. Form & Content

5.1.1. Content; the concept of the artwork. Form; the subject is expressed and experienced. Both terms are paired together because works of art need both.

5.1.2. Cinematic language; tools and techniques that filmmakers use to show the meaning and mood to the audience using all the elements; lighting, mise-en-scene, cinematography, performance, editing, and sound etc.

5.1.3. JUNO; examined and has pointed out the effects in the doctor's office.

5.2. Film Form

5.2.1. Film makers combine performance, composition, sound and editing to give the story meaning

5.2.2. Mise-en-scene is a type of element system that composes design elements as like lighting, setting, props, costumes, and make up in individual shots

5.2.3. Sound; element that organizes into a series of dialogue, music, ambience, and effects the tracks

5.2.4. Editing; makes up shots to produce images for the camera that eventually make up scenes and sequences that build up the movie

5.2.5. The synthesis of the elements elevate to the image of the entire movie

6. EQ #2 What expectations of film form can filmmakers exploit to shape an audience's experience?

6.1. Form & Expectations

6.1.1. Narratives makes the viewer predict about the story's outcome, questions

6.1.2. even when there aren't any expectation as soon as the credits roll people begin asking questions

6.2. Patterns

6.2.1. we look for patterns and the more that they meet our standards the more happier we are

6.2.2. a parallel editing is a technique that makes lines appear to be occurring simultaneously

6.2.3. disorienting makes us expect that the patterns will repeat

6.2.4. parallel editing is not the only means of creating and exploiting patterns in movies

6.2.5. peace and affinity are also patterns

7. EQ #4 How do the movies create an illusion of movement?

7.1. Movies Depend on Light

7.1.1. A key formal element that film artists and technicians carefully manipulate to create mood, reveal character, & convey meaning

7.1.2. enhances texture, depth, emotions, and mood of a shot

7.2. Movies provide an Illusion of Movement

7.2.1. two interacting optical and perceptual phenomenon

7.2.2. Persistence of vision is the process by which the human brain retains an image for a fraction of a second longer than the eye records it

7.2.3. phi phenomenon is the illusion of movement created by events that succeed each other rapidly, as when two adjacent lights flash on and off alternately and we seem to see a single light shifting back and forth

7.2.4. critical flicker fusion which occurs when a single light flickers on and off with such speed that the individual pulses of light fuse together to give the illusion of continuous light

8. EQ #8 What is meant by cinematic language? Why is it important to the ways that movies communicate with viewers?

8.1. cinematic language: the accepted systems, methods, or conventions by which the movies communicate with the viewer

8.2. using lighting, movement, sound, acting, and camera affects to generalize meaning

8.3. creates expression and meaning

8.4. represents a degree of agreement between the filmmaker and the audience about the film

8.5. transforms experiences that can be understood and appreciated by audiences