Модальные глаголы
создатель Захар Сенин
1. Need
1.1. Необходимость (Necessity) ▪ "You need to finish your homework."
1.2. Отсутствие необходимости (Lack of necessity) ▪ "You don’t need to go if you don’t want to."
2. Ought to
2.1. Совет, моральное обязательство (Advice, moral obligation) ▪ "You ought to apologize."
3. Can / Could
3.1. Возможность (Ability) ▪ "I can swim."
3.1.1. Разрешение (Permission) ▪ "Can I leave early?" Запрос (Request) ▪ "Could you help me?"
4. May / Might
4.1. Разрешение (Permission) ▪ "May I sit here?"
4.1.1. Вероятность (Possibility) ▪ "It may rain later."
5. Must
5.1. Обязанность (Obligation) ▪ "You must wear a seatbelt.
5.1.1. Высокая вероятность (Strong probability) ▪ "She must be at work by now."
6. Shall / Should
6.1. Предложения (Suggestions) ▪ "Shall we go for a walk?"
6.1.1. Совет (Advice) ▪ "You should eat healthier." Ожидания (Expectation) ▪ "The train should arrive soon."
7. Will / Would
7.1. Будущее время (Future actions) ▪ "I will see you tomorrow."
7.1.1. Вежливый запрос (Polite request) ▪ "Would you like some coffee? Привычки в прошлом (Habit in the past) ▪ "When we were kids, we would play outside every day.