international days all around the world with or without hashtags, useful for social networks activities.

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1. January

1.1. 19 - Martin Luther King Day of Service #MLKDay

1.2. 27 - Victims of the Holocaust

2. Februray

2.1. 2- Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay

2.2. 4 - Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay

2.3. 6 - Female Genital Mutilation

2.4. 13 - Radio Day UNESCO

2.5. 14 - V-Day #1BillionRising

2.6. 14 - World Whale Day #WorldWhaleDay

2.7. 20 Social Justice #SocialJusticeDay

2.8. 21 Mother Language Day UNESCO

2.9. 24 - World Spay Day #WorldSpayDay

2.10. 27 - World NGO Day #WorldNGODAy

2.11. 28 - Rare Disease #RareDiseaseDay

3. March

3.1. 1 - Zero Discrimination UNAIDS

3.2. 3 - World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay

3.3. 8 - Women's Day #WomensDay

3.4. 13 - Digital Learning Day #DLDay

3.5. 13 - World Kidney Day #WorldKidneyDay

3.6. 15 -against violence from police

3.7. 20 - Day of Happyness

3.8. 21 - Elimination Social Discrimination #EndRacism

3.9. 21 - Poetry Day UNESCO

3.10. 21 - Nowruz

3.11. 21 - Down Syndrome

3.12. 21 - Forest and Tree

3.13. 22 - World water day #WorldWaterDay

3.14. 23 - Meteorological Day WHO

3.15. 24 - Tubercolosis WHO #WorldTBDay

3.16. 25 - Memory for Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade

3.17. 24 - Truth for Gross Human Rights Violations and Dignity of Victims

3.18. 25 - Solidarity Detained and Missing Staff Members

3.19. 28 - Earth Hour #HearthHour

4. April

4.1. 2 - Autism Awareness #WorldAutismDay #LIUB

4.2. 4 - Mine Awarness and Assistance in Mine Action

4.3. 6 - Sport for Development &Peace

4.4. 7 - Remembrance of Victims of Rwanda Genocide

4.5. 7 - Health Day WHO

4.6. 12- Human Space Flight

4.7. 12 - Street children #StreetChildrenDay

4.8. 22 - Mother Earth Day #EarthDay

4.9. 23 - World Book and Copyright Day

4.10. 23 - English Language

4.11. 25 - Malaria #WorldMalariaDay

4.12. 25- Penguin Day #WorldPenguinDay

4.13. 26 - Intellectual Property WIPO

4.14. 28 - Safety&Healthy at Work

4.15. 29 - Remembrance Victims Chemical Warfare

4.16. 30 - Jazz

5. May

5.1. 1- Intern. Workers' Day #LaborDay #LabourDay

5.2. 3 - Press Freedom #WorldPressFreedomDay

5.3. 5- Give Local American Day #GiveLocal115

5.4. 8-9 Reconciliation those who lost their Lives During WW II

5.5. 9 - Fair Trade Day #WorldFairTradeDAy

5.6. 10-11 Migratory Bird Day

5.7. 10 - World Lupus Day #WorldLupusDay

5.8. 13 - Vesak, Day of the full Moon

5.9. 15- Families

5.10. 15 - National Bike to Work Day #BikeToWorkDay

5.11. 17 - Telecommunication&Information Society Day

5.12. 17 - Int. Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia #IDAHOT

5.13. 18 - International Museum Day #MuseumDay

5.14. 21 - Cultural Diversity for Dialogue& Development

5.15. 22 - Biological Diviersity

5.16. 23 - End Obstetric Fistula

5.17. 23 - Turtle Day #WorldTurtleDay

5.18. 29 - UN Peacekeepers

5.19. 31 - No Tobacco #WorldNoTobaccoDay

6. June

6.1. 1 - Parents

6.2. 4 - Innocent Children Victims of Agression

6.3. 5 - Environment Day #WorldEnvironmenDay

6.4. 8 - Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

6.5. 12 - Against Child Labour

6.6. 13 - Albinism

6.7. 14 - Blood Donor Day WHO #WorldBloodDonorDay

6.8. 15 - Elder Abuse Awareness

6.9. 17-Combat Desertification and Drought

6.10. 20 - Refugee Day #WorldRefugeeDay

6.11. 21 - Yoga

6.12. 23- United Nations Public Service

6.13. 23 - Widows' Day

6.14. 25 - Seafarer Day IMO

6.15. 26 - Against Drug Abuses and Illicit Trafficking

6.16. 26 - UN Int. Day Support of Victims of Torture

7. July

7.1. 4 - Day of Cooperatives

7.2. 11 - Population Day #WorldPopulationDay

7.3. 15 - Youth Skills Day

7.4. 18 - Nelson Mandela #MandelaDay

7.5. 28 - Hepatitis WHO

7.6. 29 - Tiger Day #TigerDay

7.7. 30- Friendship

7.8. 30 - Against Trafficking in Person

8. August

8.1. 9- Wold's Indigenous Peoples #IndigenousDay

8.2. 12 - Youth Day #YouthDay

8.3. 12 - Elephant #WorldElephantDay

8.4. 19 Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay

8.5. 23 - Remembrance Slave Trade and its Abolition UNESCO

8.6. 29 - Against Nuclear Tests

8.7. 30 - Victims of Enforced Disappearances

9. September

9.1. 5- Day of Charity

9.2. 8 - Literacy Day UNESCO #LiteracyDay

9.3. 10 - suicide prevention #WSPD

9.4. 12 - UN day for South-South Cooperation

9.5. 15 - democracy #DemocracyDay

9.6. 16- Preservation of the Ozone Layer

9.7. 21 - Peace #PeaceDay

9.8. 22 - World Rhino Day #WorldRhinoDay

9.9. 25 - Maritime Day

9.10. 26 - Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

9.11. 27 - Tourism Day

9.12. 27 - Rivers Day #WorldRiversDay

10. October

10.1. 1 - Older Persons

10.2. 2 - Non-Violence

10.3. 4 - WorldAnimal Day #WorldAnimalDay

10.4. 5-Teacher's Day UNESCO #WorldTeachersDay

10.5. 5 - World Habitat Day #WorldHabitatDay

10.6. 9 - Post Day

10.7. 10 - Mental Health #WorldMentalHealthyDay

10.8. 11-Girl Child #DayOfTheGirl

10.9. 12 - Arthritis Day #WorldArthritisDay

10.10. 13 - Disaster Reduction

10.11. 15 - Rural Women

10.12. 16 - Food Day FAO

10.13. 17 Eradication of Poverty #EndPovertyDay

10.14. 24 - United Nations Day

10.15. 24 - Development Information Day

10.16. 27 - Audiovisual Heritage UNESCO

10.17. 31 - World Cities Day

11. November

11.1. 2 - End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

11.2. 6 - Preventing Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflicts

11.3. 10 - Science Day for peace and Development

11.4. 13 - Kindness #WorldKindnessDay

11.5. 14 - Diabetes Day #WorldDiabetesDay

11.6. 15 - Remembrance Road Traffic Victims

11.7. 16 - Day for tolerance #ToleranceDay

11.8. 19 - Toilet Day

11.9. 19 - Philosophy Day

11.10. 20 - Africa Industrialization Day

11.11. 20 - Universal Children's Day #ChildrensDay

11.12. 21 - World Television Day

11.13. 25 - Elimination of Violence against Women #EndViolenceAgainstWomen

11.14. 29 - Solidarity with Palestinian People

12. December

12.1. 1 - AIDS #WorldAIDSDay

12.2. 1- Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday

12.3. 2 - Abolition of Slavery

12.4. 3 - Persons with Disabilities #IDPwD15

12.5. 5 - Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development #VolunteerDay

12.6. 5 - Soil Day

12.7. 7 - Civil Aviation Day ICAO

12.8. 9 - Anti-Corruption Day #AntiCorruptionDay

12.9. 10 - Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay

12.10. 11 - Mountain Day #MountainDay

12.11. 18 - Migrants Day

12.12. 20 - Human Solidarity