The Six Kingdoms of Biology

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The Six Kingdoms of Biology создатель Mind Map: The Six Kingdoms of Biology

1. Animalia

1.1. Animalia- Owl

1.2. Multicellular and Eukaryotic

1.2.1. Their cells do not have a cell wall like those of the plants or fungi.

1.2.2. Most animal cells are organized into tissues that have a particular function.

1.2.3. These tissues are organized into organs and organ systems that perform a variety of complex functions.

1.3. Motile and Heterotrophic

1.3.1. Motile: (of cells, gametes, and single-celled organisms) capable of motion.

1.3.2. Heterotrophic Organisms: Organisms that can only use organic materials as a source of food. Cannot create their own food using carbon based sources.

1.4. Specialized Sense Organs

1.4.1. Animals have developed specialized sensory organs (eyes, ears, noses, skin, etc.) that help them navigate through their environment.

2. Fungi

2.1. Fungi- Mushroom

2.2. Sessile

2.2.1. Incapable of moving on their own.

2.2.2. They can form enormous mats, known as mycelia, in the soil that can cover large areas.

2.3. Heterotrophic

2.3.1. Cannot make its own food from light or inorganic molecules.

2.3.2. It ingests its organic molecules by feeding on other organisms or the remains of other organisms.

2.3.3. They digest their food externally and then absorb the nutrients.

2.4. Mostly Multicellular

2.4.1. Yeasts are single celled, but are considered to have evolved from multicellular forms.

2.4.2. Fungi aid in the recycling of nutrients by the decomposing of dead plants and animals.

3. Archaebacteria

3.1. Archaebacteria- Thermophile

3.2. Thermophiles

3.2.1. Live in hot areas where the water is a very hot and acidic sulfur spring.

3.2.2. Autotrophic Producer: Synthesizes its own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy.

3.2.3. Anerobic and thrives in the deep cracks of the ocean floor.

3.3. Methanogens

3.3.1. Live in an oxygen-free environment and produce Methane gas.

3.3.2. Found in marshes, lake sediments, and digestive tracts of animals.

3.4. Halophiles

3.4.1. Live in waters with a very high concentration of salt.

3.4.2. i.e. The Dead Sea in the Middle East

4. Protista

4.1. Protista- Bacteria

4.2. Unicellular, Colonial and Multicellular

4.3. Multicellular: An organism consisting of many cells.

4.4. Colonial: Protists that live in colonies.

4.5. Unicellular: An organism that consists only of one cell.

4.6. Absorb, Ingest or Photosynthesize

4.6.1. Wide diversity in strategies for obtaining energy and carbon. i.e. Ciliates are animal like and move and hunt for food.

4.6.2. Slime molds behave like fungi and obtain nutrients from decomposition.

4.6.3. Algae photosynthesize like plants.

5. Eubacteria

5.1. Eubacteria- Blue Green Algae

5.2. Streptococcus

5.2.1. Spherical bacteria have many dangerous species that are responsible for strep throat, meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, etc.

5.2.2. Many streptococcal special are non-pathogenic and used for Swiss cheese, and exist as a natural part of the natural floral in humans' mouth, intestine, respiratory tract and on human skin.

5.3. Preform Photosynthesis

5.3.1. Capture energy from the sun using photosynthesis.

5.3.2. Add oxygen to the atmosphere through this process of photosynthesis.

5.4. Complex, Prokaryotic and Single-Celled Organisms

5.4.1. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles.

6. Plantae

6.1. Plantae- Palm Tree

6.2. Autotrophic

6.2.1. Unlike heterotrophs, autotrophs are able to make their own food.

6.2.2. Plants belong to the class of autotrophs called photoautotrophs because they make their food from sunlight through the process of photosynthesis.

6.3. Complex Structure

6.3.1. Like animals, plants have a variety of tissues and organs that perform vital functions for the organism.

6.3.2. i.e. The leaf is made up of several different tissues and is the primary food producing organ of higher plants.

6.4. Multicellular and Eukaryotic

6.4.1. Plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall made composed of cellulose that provides support to the plant, and allows them to grow to great size.

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