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Unit 2 создатель Mind Map: Unit 2

1. Center of Dilation

1.1. a constant point on a surface from which all other points are either enlarged or compressed.

2. Scale Factor

2.1. The ratio of any two corresponding lengths in two similar geometric figures

3. Rotation

3.1. Where you turn a figure about a given point.

4. Reflection

4.1. Every point is the same distance from the central line

5. Translation

5.1. moving a shape without rotating or flipping it.

6. Midpoint Formula

6.1. an algebraic tool to find the point halfway between two other points.

7. Distance Formula

7.1. Used to find the distance between two points

8. Slope Formula

8.1. Formula used when calculating slope or graphing slope.

9. Pre-Image

9.1. The original figure prior to a transformation.

10. Tessellation

10.1. when a shape is repeated over and over again covering a plane without any gaps or overlaps.

11. Rotational Symmetry

11.1. When a shape still looks the same after a rotation.

12. Reflective Symmetry

12.1. A type of symmetry where one half is the reflection of the other half.

13. Image

13.1. The new position of a point, a line, a line segment, or a figure after a transformation

14. Regular Polygon

14.1. A polygon that is equiangular and equilateral.

15. Isometry

15.1. A transformation that is invariant with respect to distance.

16. Dilation

16.1. A transformation in which a figure grows larger.

17. Reduction

17.1. A transformation in which a figure grows smaller.

18. Enlargement

18.1. a kind of transformation that changes the size of an object.

19. Symmetry

19.1. When one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide, or turn it.