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Virtual reality (VR) создатель Mind Map: Virtual reality (VR)

1. Products

1.1. VR Heatset

1.1.1. Sony PlayStation VR

1.1.2. HTC Vive

1.1.3. Oculus Rift

1.2. Painting in new pespective- https://www.tiltbrush.com/

1.3. 10 VR gadgets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8HjBS0KVtk

1.3.1. Birdly

1.3.2. Microsoft Hololens

1.3.3. Manus VR

1.3.4. Striker VR

1.3.5. STEM System

1.3.6. VRgo

1.3.7. KAT Walk

1.3.8. Unlimited Hand

1.3.9. IMPACTO

1.3.10. Teslasuit

1.4. VR Glasses

1.4.1. Google Cardboard

2. Background informantion

2.1. What is VR

2.1.1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsMOvShHNk0

2.1.2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBNH8tzsfVM

2.2. Theory/ mechanism

2.3. History

2.3.1. Before 1950

2.3.2. 1950-1970

2.3.3. 1970-1990

2.3.4. 1990-2000

2.3.5. 2001-2016

3. Different application

3.1. Media

3.1.1. Photograthy VR camera e.g. GoPro Samsung

3.2. Education and training

3.3. Fine arts

3.4. Engineering

3.5. Design

3.5.1. Urban design

3.5.2. Architectural design

3.6. Heritage and archaeology

3.6.1. VR presentation

3.7. Entertainment

3.7.1. Concerts

3.7.2. Theme parks

3.7.3. Video games

3.8. Retail

3.9. Marketing

3.10. Exercise and fitness

4. Future development