Possible questions From Fernandina and Marco

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Possible questions From Fernandina and Marco создатель Mind Map: Possible questions From Fernandina and Marco

1. What is DNA and how does it work?

2. What is MNS and why do people get it?

3. What are the chances of my children having MNS?

4. How will I know if my children are born with MNS?

5. How come many of my relatives have it but I don't?

6. How does MNS get passed on to future generations?

7. Does the fact that I don't have MNS mean that my children won't have it either?

8. Will having children with my husband that does not have MNS mean that there is less chance of my children getting MNS?

9. What are the symptoms, and effects of MNS?

10. Is there anything we can do to prevent the children from getting MNS?

11. Is it possible for the MNS to stop being passed on at some point in the future generations?

12. How common is this?

13. How does MNS work?

14. Is there a cure?