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Temperament 作者: Mind Map: Temperament

1. Phlegmatic

1.1. Personality

1.1.1. relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish.

1.1.2. They are accepting and affectionate.

1.1.3. May be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change.

1.1.4. consistent and calm

1.1.5. Can also be passive-aggressive

1.2. Weakness

1.2.1. Introvert

1.2.2. Watcher, not doer

1.2.3. Meets requirements, then stops

1.2.4. Unenthusiastic

1.2.5. Can be very stubborn

1.2.6. Lazy, gets tired easily

1.2.7. Tormented by fear

1.2.8. Hard to get excited

1.2.9. Possessive

1.2.10. Avoid responsibilities, extra burdens

1.2.11. Can be sarcastic

1.3. Strength

1.3.1. Patient

1.3.2. Steady, not moved easily

1.3.3. Lives a balanced life

1.3.4. Very witty

1.3.5. Good leaders

1.3.6. Good mediators

1.3.7. Self-sufficient

1.3.8. Good listeners

1.3.9. Dependable

1.3.10. Meek, most gentle people on planet

1.3.11. Free from stress, tend not to worry

1.3.12. In control of themselves

1.4. Spiritual Gifts

1.4.1. Understanding

1.4.2. Meekness

2. Sanguine

2.1. Personality

2.1.1. bubbly

2.1.2. chatty

2.1.3. openly emotional

2.1.4. social extroverts

2.1.5. excels in communication-oriented things, but they do not relate well to tasks.

2.1.6. outgoing

2.1.7. quickly excited, but they do not make a deep and lasting impression.

2.2. Weakness

2.2.1. Compulsive talker

2.2.2. Dwells on trivia

2.2.3. Exaggerates

2.2.4. Can't remember names

2.2.5. Scares others off

2.2.6. Too happy for some

2.2.7. Has loud voice and laugh

2.2.8. Controlled by circumstances

2.2.9. Gets angry easily

2.2.10. Seems phony to some

2.2.11. Never grows up

2.3. Strength

2.3.1. Appealing personality

2.3.2. Good sense of humor

2.3.3. Emotional and demonstrative

2.3.4. Enthusiastic and expressive

2.3.5. Cheerful and bubbling over

2.3.6. Sincere at heart

2.3.7. Doesn't hold grudges

2.3.8. Apologizes quickly

2.3.9. Likes spontaneous activities

2.4. Spiritual Gifts

2.4.1. Mercy

2.4.2. Gratitude

3. Choleric

3.1. Personality

3.1.1. Dynamic and active

3.1.2. extrovert

3.1.3. Born leader

3.1.4. visionary

3.1.5. Goal-oriented

3.1.6. ambitious and leader-like.

3.1.7. a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill that in others.

3.1.8. task oriented

3.1.9. dictatorial or tyrannical.

3.2. Weakness

3.2.1. Can be bossy and impatient

3.2.2. Quick tempered

3.2.3. a people user

3.3. Strength

3.3.1. Not easily discouraged

3.3.2. Independent and self sufficient

3.3.3. Exudes confidence

3.3.4. Strong-willed and decisive

3.3.5. Independent and self sufficient

3.3.6. Establishes Goals

3.3.7. Moves quickly to action

3.3.8. outgoing

3.4. Spiritual Gifts

3.4.1. Knowledge

3.4.2. Fortitude

4. Melancholic

4.1. Personality

4.1.1. Quiet Personality

4.1.2. most comfortable with set routines

4.1.3. They hate surprises or abrupt changes in routine

4.2. Weakness

4.2.1. Most Emotional

4.2.2. Not really People Oriented because most are introverts

4.2.3. Over-Thinker

4.3. Strength

4.3.1. Analytical and Intellectual

4.3.2. Task-Oriented

4.3.3. Perfectionists

4.3.4. Loyal

4.3.5. Self-Motivated

4.3.6. Knows Limitations

4.3.7. Extremely Patient

4.4. Spiritual Gifts

4.4.1. Wisdom

4.4.2. Piety