5 Surprising Lessons I Learned From My First Public Freestyle Rap Event

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5 Surprising Lessons I Learned From My First Public Freestyle Rap Event 作者: Mind Map: 5 Surprising Lessons I Learned From My First Public Freestyle Rap Event

1. Everything You Want is On the Other Side of Fear.

1.1. When you grab that mic — whatever your “mic” is — you might find yourself experiencing some of the most pure, time-stopping focus you’ve ever felt.

2. You Have To Look Stupid For a While Before You Get Any Good.

2.1. All the world’s greats, at one point, sucked at what they do.

2.2. Push through the rejection and ridicule and embarrassment…until one day, you make something kind of good.

2.3. Then, relentlessly improve it

3. Most People Let Fear Dictate Their Lives. The Ones Who Don’t Will Truly Succeed.

3.1. A lot of people live their lives with one basic, underlying goals: avoid pain. This leads to fear-based thinking

3.2. Stepping out into the unknown is exhilarating. It’s fulfilling. It’s just damn fun.

3.3. Choose an adventure-based existence.

4. You Have the Most Fun in Life When You’re In “Flow States.”

4.1. Most people sleepwalk through life without ever feeling so intensely focused, time seems to stand still.

4.2. You have the most fun when you’re constantly in flow states.

4.3. Spend time doing things that help you get to that state of mind.

5. If You Want To Find Out Who You Truly Are, Do Crazy Things.

5.1. Crazy things tend to strip away anything phony or fake about you.

5.2. Do crazy things — things that challenge you, things you think you can’t do.