The Success System That Never Fails W Clement Stone

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The Success System That Never Fails W Clement Stone 作者: Mind Map: The Success System That Never Fails  W Clement Stone

1. Introduction

1.1. The Success System That Never Fails

1.1.1. “An old Hindu legend states that when the gods were making the world, they said:" "Where can we hide the most valuable of treasures so that they will not be lost? How can we hide them so that the lust and greed of men will not steal or destroy them? What can we do to be assured that these riches will be carried on from generation to generation for the benefit of all mankind?" "So in their wisdom they selected a hiding place that was so obvious it would not be seen. And there they placed the true riches of life, endowed with the magic power of perpetual self-replenishment. In this hiding place these treasures can be found by every living person in every land who follows the success system that never fails." "And as you read this book, read it as if I were your personal friend writing to you, and you alone. For this book is dedicated to you, and all who seek the true riches of life.”

1.1.2. Unimaginable riches, hidden in plain sight? W Clement Stone lead an interesting life.. He was a businessman, philanthropist and an author. Built an insurance company and gave away 100's of Millions of dollars over his lifetime. Plus he also wrote a book with Napoleon Hill (once of the most successful self-help authors of all time). So, if he has a success system.. There might just be a few things we could learn from it! That's what we're going to be diving into today. The over-arching premise of this book? That what we desire, is already within our reach. We've been endowed with an amazing tool (our mind) that will allow us to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. If we know how to use it!

1.2. Mind Mapping

1.2.1. Get the most out of these Mind Maps by following along..

1.2.2. Find the process of HOW I Map plus all 100+ Mind Map templates (including this one) at the link below!

1.2.3. Following along will help you learn more, remember better and apply these books to your life.

2. Three Steps

2.1. “‘A small drop of ink makes thousands, perhaps millions think,’ wrote Byron in Don Juan. And that’s what I thought as I began to write the manuscript for this book."

2.1.1. "For its purpose is to motivate the reader:"

2.1.2. "To learn and use three simple, easily understood concepts that must be used by any person for continuous success in any human activity. Herein lies the essence of this work. For the person who uses these three ingredients in combination in any specific activity cannot fail." "Inspiration to action: that which motivates you to act because you want to." "Know-how: the particular techniques and skills that consistently get results for you when applied. It is the proper application of knowledge. Know-how becomes habit through actual repetitive experience." "Activity knowledge: knowledge of the activity, service, product, methods, techniques, and skills with which you are particularly concerned.”

2.2. Three steps that cannot possibly fail!

2.2.1. Before we get into the steps.. I love this old-school style of writing! There isn't any scientific studies, complex theories or long words I can't pronounce. Stone gives us down to earth, real life studied techniques that have worked.

2.2.2. So what are the steps? Step 1: We need to be inspired to take action, authentically and deeply before we can even start. Step 2: This is the learning process in action, finding what is (and isn't) working and consistently optimizing each day. Step 3: Cal Newport would call this 'being so good they can't ignore you' and it's all about becoming great in your field.

3. Formula

3.1. “What is important to you is that you reduce to a formula, preferably in writing, the principles you learn from your successful experiences and failures, in whatever activities you may be interested.”

3.1.1. “The most potent tool you can have in the steady pursuit of success is a written record of your daily habits."

3.1.2. "Correctly kept, this record will be a mirror of every effort and every action of your day-to-day living. It will, with amazing vitality, enable you to re-direct yourself.”

3.2. How are we going to get where we want to be?

3.2.1. Stone gives us what I think is the first real Gem in this book.. The idea is, that we should distill what we know works (for us) into a formula. Essentially, the top things that we need to do each day, week or month that lead to success in any of our chosen endeavors.

3.2.2. Personally, I use a software tool for this (but paper would work just fine as well). Step 1: I think about my objectives, what do I want to accomplish in the next year. Ideally these are measurable things, that can be broken up into smaller parts. Write these down! Keep them somewhere you'll see them often. Step 2: Break them down, what needs to happen this month or quarter for you to accomplish your main objective. Some systems might call these the key results. They let you know how you're on the right track! Step 3: Let's go a little further, what leads to the key results? Daily actions. Create a formula for what you need to do each day, in order to accomplish your key results. For me, I use checkboxes in the software tool to accomplish this (bonus it lets me look at past results to find trends).

4. Fear

4.1. “I remember that as a boy I was so timid that when we had company I would go into another room, and during a thunderstorm I would hide under the bed."

4.1.1. "But one day I reasoned, ‘If lightning is going to strike, it will be just as dangerous whether I am under the bed or in any other part of the room.’ I decided to conquer this fear."

4.1.2. "My opportunity came, and I took advantage of it. During a thunderstorm, I forced myself to go to the window and look at the lightning. An amazing thing happened. I began to enjoy the beauty of the flashes of lightning through the sky. Today, there is no one who enjoys a thunderstorm more than I do.”

4.2. What can we learn from a child afraid of thunder?

4.2.1. This might seem like a silly story.. But I think (like with most of this book) it's actually very deep and meaningful. The fear that Stone had about thunder seems completely ridiculous to us as adults.

4.2.2. But remember when you were a child. Maybe it wasn't thunder, but there was something you were afraid of that now you're not. Looking back it might seem silly, even like you made the fear up.

4.2.3. What can we learn here? All of the fear we're feeling as adults (public speaking, losing money and etc) are all equally as made up as the thunder. They are the way our mind tries to keep us safe, and most times have very little tether to reality. Additionally, they are often hiding a truly beautiful experience behind them, like watching a thunderstorm.

5. Suggestion

5.1. “Each time I say to you, ‘Try to do the right thing because it is right,’ that’s a suggestion from me to you."

5.1.1. "Each time you think or say to yourself Try to do the right thing because it is right, that’s self-suggestion. Each time your subconscious mind flashes to your conscious mind, Try to do the right thing because it is right, that’s autosuggestion."

5.1.2. It is important to know: 1. Suggestion comes from the outside (your environment). 2. Self-suggestion is automatic or purposefully controlled from within. 3. Autosuggestion acts by itself, unconsciously, like a machine that reacts in the same way from the same stimulus.

5.1.3. "During the coming week, every morning and every evening—and frequently throughout the day—repeat: Try to do the right thing because it is right. Then, when you are faced with temptation, this self-motivator will flash from your subconscious to your conscious mind. When it does—immediately act. Do the right thing."

5.1.4. "In this way, through repetition, you will form a habit—a good habit—that will help make your future. For your future depends upon character—and character depends on successfully overcoming temptations.”

5.2. How do we overcome fear or learn something new?

5.2.1. The science, (and Stone) tell us it's through the power of repetition. The tool of repetition is (especially as adults) the way we can make real and lasting changes in our mind. These changes cause us to act differently, and those actions create different results.

5.2.2. Broken down here is really just the learning process as laid out in the Learning Masterclass. Step One: Intake information! This could be reading, listening or speaking with someone. Step Two: This is the tough part! Follow through with that information, repeatably. Step Three: The mind takes over! This is when actions start to be automatic vs manual.

6. Dissatisfaction

6.1. “The book, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, says: The right mental attitude is most often comprised of the ‘plus’ characteristics symbolized by such words as integrity, faith, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness, and good common sense."

6.1.1. "On this, you and I can agree. Yet the most wonderful person in the world will not make progress until he is dissatisfied— wholesomely dissatisfied. For it is inspirational dissatisfaction that converts the magic of desire into reality."

6.1.2. "Every growing organism grows into maturity—levels off and dies unless there is new life—new blood—new activity—new ideas, says Edward R. Dewey."

6.1.3. "All the world’s progress in every field of activity has been the result of action by men and women who experienced inspirational dissatisfaction—never by those who were satisfied. For dissatisfaction is man’s driving force. Inspirational dissatisfaction is the result of RMA—the right mental attitude. With the wrong mental attitude, the driving force of dissatisfaction can be injurious."

6.1.4. "To be dissatisfied, you must want something. And if you want something badly enough, you’ll do something. You’ll try to get it.”

6.2. Desire leads to action!

6.2.1. This is something we see everywhere.. It's playing out in people who work themselves to death to buy nice things! It's playing out in people who are lazy because they prefer comfort! The whole world is driven by desire, for better or for worse.

6.2.2. What can we do with this information? Well, the yogi's might encourage us to release our desires. And they might not be wrong! Some 'success' authors might say to cultivate our desires and let them drive us. And they might not be wrong! For me? The answer is somewhere in the middle. Knowing we're driven by desires.. Have you thought about what those desires might be? Are they true to who you want to be? Will you be proud to have chased them throughout your life?

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