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Platform Pages 作者: Mind Map: Platform Pages

1. LFG Nexus.com

1.1. News Pages

1.1.1. I would like to see an area for specific types of gaming related news. This can be on a seperate sub-domain, so that people dont have to login to see it and it should have places for Ads.

1.2. Events

1.2.1. This is a place for ALL events to be seen. All Tournaments are events, not all events are tournaments.

1.3. Tournaments Pages

1.3.1. The idea here is to have a community hub where different organizations can use the webhooks to put thier Tournaments onto LFG Nexus. At first this will be free and we will look at charging a bit further down the line. commander.lfgnexus.com List of Tournaments (non-commander) When you click an event it takes you to currently to BCP version of that event. Potential added development I would like it with the api to take it back to the LFG page where it will show the brackets, chat window and possible stream. tournaments.lfgnexus.com List of Tournaments (non-commander) When you click an event it takes you to currently to BCP version of that event. Potential added development I would like it with the api to take it back to the LFG page where it will show the brackets, chat window and possible stream.

1.4. Find Streamers *

1.4.1. This is where people can watch multiple streams of twitch at once. Twitch is very popular and it also allows us to offer this feature for when people are running tournaments or as a higher tier for Streamers to buy into. This will start turned off, as we want to make sure this does not cause problems with bandwith, esspcially if we go to a AWS/Azure/Google Cloud model.

1.5. Looking For Group

1.5.1. This is where people can find others to play their favorite games. They can either post they are looking for other people to play X game with when, where, and how. Or they can respond to someones post about joining a game.

1.6. Find Games

1.6.1. This is a place for people to find games they might be interested in. See Reviews and leave ratings, ask questions ect. Currently we have over 300 games on the platform of all different types. It is pretty easy to create a game, but we need to figure out if we are going to charge publishers to do this in the future or keep it as good will?

1.7. Forums

1.7.1. A place where people can talk about different things in general. There are forums as well for business pages and we can offer some for other specific events for a fee.

1.8. Groups

1.8.1. Anyone can create a group and it can be public or private. All the posts can be seen in either your newsfeed or you can go to the group page itself. Which can be designed like a business page, you just dont get the business plan upgrades. There is talk about paid groups, but I am not sure if that is much different that a patreon.

1.9. Business Page/Plan

1.9.1. This is where businesses of all types can buy access to have a page to help promote their product or services. This page allows for images, vidoes and even forums related specificly for that business. Currently there is a $25/month fee, but we will be getting rid of that.

1.10. Interests

1.10.1. This is page where we list games to see which groups to put people in when they self-idenify what they are interested in. This is how they get custom content for what they are specificly interested in.

1.11. Crowdfunders

1.11.1. We want to help businesses to get funding so they can create more games and we do this in 2 different ways We have spoke with Indiegogo and they are interested in sending us people that want to use this to get the word about their Crowdfunder out there.

1.12. Marketplace

1.12.1. This is something that we have through Crystal Commerce on a sub-domian. Market.lfgnexus.com

2. Other things I would like to see in the future.

2.1. Chat Features Right now Discord is the way to go. We dont have a good chat tool currently, so embracing Discord might be the best way to go.

2.2. Stores- i would like to be able to offer people their own store to sell things through, like an Etsy.

2.3. Local Check in I would like to come up with a way to use NFC technology so that when people check into a store, they get credits for showing up.

2.4. Points Shop, This is already built into the current version we just struggled to come up with a points to effort to rewards and made it make sense with Dollar costs on things.

2.5. Affilates area. A great way to get new users is by having the current users bring in new ones.

2.6. Patreon system