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SEO Tools 作者: Mind Map: SEO Tools

1. AppSumo SERanking

2. Stats

2.1. Alexa

2.2. similarweb

3. Hunt Email

3.1. Hunter.io

3.2. Whois

4. Google Advanced Queries


4.1.1. [keyword] inurl:links.html

4.1.2. [keyword] inurl:links.htm

4.1.3. [keyword] inurl:resources.html

4.1.4. [keyword] inurl:resources.htm


4.2.1. [keyword] “write for us”

4.2.2. [keyword] “become a contributor”

4.2.3. [keyword] “guest post”

4.2.4. [keyword] “guest post by”

5. Sites

5.1. authorityhacker.com

5.1.1. mega,nz

5.2. SEO Tips & Tricks - Free Training Courses- Dynamik 365

5.3. backlinko.com

5.4. What is Conversion Rate Optimization - The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization — Qualaroo

5.5. Cloudapp

5.6. seointelligenceagency.com/members/users/login

6. Hosting

6.1. hostnine

6.2. hosixy

7. Speed

7.1. GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization

7.2. PageSpeed Insights

7.3. pingdom

8. social

8.1. Meltwater - Likealyzer http://keyhole.co/ https://audiense.com/twitter-analytics/ https://tweetreach.com/ http://www.peakfeed.com/ https://socialrank.com/ https://www.talkwalker.com/social-media-analytics-search

9. cache, minify

9.1. Autoptimize

9.2. wp super cache

10. seotools - content analyzer

10.1. ➔ SEO Review Tools ②⑧+ Free SEO Tools - Making SEO accessible

11. Image to text

11.1. Free Online OCR - convert PDF to Word or Image to text

12. SEMrush


14. Website Auditor

15. For Keyword Research

15.1. Keyword Snatcher

15.2. KWFinder

15.3. tool.seochat

15.4. Google Trends

15.5. Wikipedia

15.6. Amazon

15.7. Qoura/Reddit

15.8. AnswerThePublic.com: that free visual keyword research & content ideas tool

15.9. Question Spy

15.10. Ubersuggest's Free Keyword Tool, Generate More Suggestions

16. Wordpress plugins

16.1. Yoast Seo

16.2. Squirrly

16.3. Amazon link engine

17. Link Cloak

17.1. geni.us

17.2. gocodes

18. logodesign

18.1. Free Logo Design - Get a Professional Logo - DesignMantic

18.2. bravinn.com/designoprolive/

19. Audit Tools

19.1. Screaming Frog

19.2. seositecheckup.com

20. headline analyzer

20.1. Write Better Headlines: Free Headline Analyzer From CoSchedule - @CoSchedule

21. Image Optimize

21.1. imagify

21.2. riot

21.3. TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency

22. Security

22.1. BulletProof Security

22.2. Wordfence

22.3. Cerber

22.4. All in one wordpress security

23. Privacy Policy

23.1. Free Privacy Policy Generator & Template with GDPR - FreePrivacyPolicy