The relief of Europe.

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The relief of Europe. により Mind Map: The relief of Europe.

1. Europe is a continental with a lot of kilometers of coast. in the coast relief, the most important accident are:

1.1. The peninsula= in the north: the kola peninsula, the escandinava and the jutlandia. at the south: the iberica, the italica, the balcanica and the crimea.

1.2. The gulf= At the north: the gulf of botnia, escandinava, at the south, vizcaya, leon and genovo.

1.3. The cape= in the noth: the north cape in the south : fisterra, san vicente and the matapan.

1.4. The ria and fiordos= the ria is a long narrow sea inlet, but the fiordos came from glacial. the fiordos are in the peninsula escandinava and the rias at the north of the iberian peninsula.

1.5. The aisland= At the north is islandia at the center, grand britain and irland. At the south, the balear island, carcega, gerdeña, sicilia, chipre, malta and greta...

2. The coast of europe.

3. The plain.

3.1. They are extended at the center and east of Europe.

3.2. In the midle, it is the big European plain it limits with the sea of north and the baltico, at the north it limits with the Alpes, and Carpatos. At the south in this plane there are macizos like the central macizo, the Vogos mountains and the black forest. At the east of europe it is the plain of the oriental europe and it limits with the white sea, the barents at the north and the urals mountains at the east.

4. The mountains

4.1. At the south is the most elevated mountain system of Europe.

4.2. Most of them are near to mediterranean sea and they are made by high mountain like the pirineer. The alps, the caspatos, the balcanes and the caucaso.

4.3. And other not so highest like escandinaves mountain sand the orales mountains.