Sophomore Portfolio

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Sophomore Portfolio von Mind Map: Sophomore Portfolio

1. Everyones A Critic

1.1. Artifact

1.2. Reflection

2. Norms, What's Their Function

2.1. Artifact

2.2. Reflection

3. Conclusion

4. Never Forget

4.1. Artifact

4.2. Reflection

5. Growth as a writer

5.1. Semester 1

5.2. Reflection

5.3. Semester 2

6. Culture and You

6.1. Artifact

6.2. Reflection

7. Introduction

8. About Me

9. The New Tech Way of Life

9.1. Artifact

9.2. Reflection

10. Deviance Does

10.1. Artifact(Social Problem)

10.2. Artifact (Solution)

10.3. Reflection

11. Growth as a reader

11.1. Semester 1

11.2. Reflection

11.3. Semester 2