How can technology help adult learners? What strategies can they use?

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How can technology help adult learners? What strategies can they use? создатель Mind Map: How can technology help adult learners? What strategies can they use?

1. When researching subjects, adult learners can learn to utilize the advanced technology of today's age to help find information. For example they can use Google, or any web based server.

1.1. Today if you have a question, or wonder how something works, or who made something, it is as easy as just typing it in to figure the answer. You use to have to go to a library, read books, etc to research something. Today you can just search something on the web and instantly find an answer.

2. With all the technology available, adult learners should be able to learn how to use it to their advantage.

3. They can use technology such as Ipads, laptops, etc.. to make learning at home or away from the traditional school much easier.

3.1. Ipads and laptops make learning at home way easier. Instead of having to go to a library or school campus they can use technology from the comfort of their own home.

4. Using such technology, adult learners can learn to utilize it around their daily schedule, making time management less stressful.

4.1. With thousands of calendar apps available, from your email, to your phones homepage, to the calendar in your phone, there are many sources available for ease of scheduling.