ICT & Classroom Management Workshop

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ICT & Classroom Management Workshop por Mind Map: ICT  & Classroom Management Workshop

1. Classroom Management

1.1. Seat Rotations

1.2. Group Work

1.2.1. Individual Accountability

1.3. Respect for Students' Ideas/Contributions

1.4. Mutually Agreeable Norms

1.5. Differentiated Lessons

2. Intervention Methods

2.1. One-on-One Discussions

2.2. Infusing Humor Into Lesson

2.3. Double-Entry Journal

2.4. Using "Working with" approach

2.5. Compromise with student

3. Reasons for Misbehaving

3.1. Boredom

3.2. Difficulty making connection between lesson and daily life/experiences

3.3. Family problems

3.4. Not feeling well

3.5. Teacher using a "Doing to" approach

4. ICT Apps

4.1. Mindmeister

4.2. Google Apps/Docs

4.3. Classroom webpage/blog

4.4. Process flow charts

4.4.1. Cheatsheets