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1. Radioactive Decay

1.1. the process by which on unstable radioactive nucleus emits radiation forming a nucleus of new composition

1.1.1. Isotopes are atoms of the same elements having a different number of neutron

1.1.2. Radioactive Isotope also called as "radio isotope" uneven larger number of radio isotope call "artificial isotope" have been produced in the laboratory

2. Alpha Decay/Emission

2.1. decay of a nucleus by emitting an alpha particle

3. Beta Decay/Emission

3.1. decay of a nucleus by emitting beta particle

4. Positron Emission

4.1. decay of nucleus by emitting a positron or beta particle

5. Gamma Emission

5.1. the decay of a nucleus by emitting gamma radiation

6. Archeological Dating

6.1. use the half-life of Carbon-14 to determine the age of carbon containing materials derived from plants or animals

7. PET Scan

7.1. use radioisotopes that emit positron when the nucleus decays. Once formed a positron combines with electron to form 2 gamma rays which create a scan of an organ

8. Nuclear Fusion

8.1. joining together of two light nuclei to form a larger nucleus

8.2. nuclear reaction that takes place in the sun

9. Chemical Reaction

9.1. occurs when bonds are broken and formed

9.2. atoms keep same identity although this might gain, loose, share electrons

10. Types of Radiation

10.1. Alpha Particle

10.1.1. high energy particle that contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons

10.2. Beta Paticle

10.2.1. a high electron

10.2.2. is converted to a proton and an electron

10.3. Positron

10.3.1. called "anti-particle" of a beta particle since their changes are different but their masses are the same

10.4. Gamma Rays

10.4.1. high energy radiation released from a radioactive nucleus

11. Nuclear Radiation

11.1. energy particles or rays that are given off from a radioactive element

12. Nuclear Reaction

12.1. occurs when nuclei combine, split and emits radiation

13. Half-life

13.1. the half-life of radioactive isotope is the time it takes for one half of the sample to decay

14. Unit in Measuring the Radioactivity in a Sample

14.1. Curie

14.1.1. Milicurie Microcurie

14.2. Becquerel

15. Nuclear Fission

15.1. splitting part of a heavy nucleus into lighter nuclei and neutrons

15.2. process that occurs in nuclear power plant