1950 - 1960 History of American Illustration

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1950 - 1960 History of American Illustration par Mind Map: 1950 - 1960 History of American Illustration

1. James Bama

2. Stanley Galli

3. Robert McCall

4. Stanley Meltzoff

5. Jack Davis

6. Mort Drucker

7. Lorraine Fox

8. Frank Frazetta

9. Edward Gorey

10. Murray Tinkelman

11. Edward Sorel

12. Richard Hess

13. Mort Künstler

14. Bernie Fuchs

15. Bob Peak

16. Milton Glaser

17. Roy G Krenkel

18. Alex Toth

19. Burton Silverman

20. Al Williamson

21. Wally Wood

22. Charley Harper

23. Marie Severin