Homeless and Pregnant Rape Victim (female)

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Homeless and Pregnant Rape Victim (female) by Mind Map: Homeless and Pregnant Rape Victim (female)

1. Housing

1.1. Three Oaks

1.2. Canadian Mental Health Association

1.3. Hastings Housing

1.4. Family

2. Legal

2.1. Community Advocacy and Legal Centre

2.2. Maggie's Resource Centre

2.3. Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Response Program

2.4. Legal Aid

3. Medical

3.1. Birthright

3.2. Belleville Pregnancy and Family Care Centre

3.3. Hastings Prince Edward County Public Health Unit

3.4. Belleville Nurse Practitioner- Led Clinic

4. Counselling

4.1. Sexual Assault Centre for Quinte and District

4.2. Counselling Services of Belleville District

4.3. Women's Services Program

4.4. Crisis Centre in Belleville Hospital (Open Line Open Mind)