Augmented Reality (AR)

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Augmented Reality (AR) by Mind Map: Augmented Reality (AR)

1. Background Information

1.1. History

1.1.1. developments

2. Advantages

2.1. Enrich content

2.2. More interactive abilities

3. Disadvantages

3.1. Invades Privacy

3.2. Possible distraction

3.3. Addiction to the digital screen

4. Application

4.1. Military AR Uses

4.2. AR Apps for Navigation

4.3. Medical AR Uses

4.4. Sightseeing in Augmented Reality

4.5. Maintenance and Repair

4.6. AR Gaming

4.6.1. Pokemon Go

4.7. Advertising and Promotion

4.8. Smartphone app

4.8.1. Snapchat

5. Types of Augmented Reality

5.1. Marker Based AR

5.1.1. Operation process 1. Marker Detection 2.Virtual Object Registration

5.1.2. Advantages Cheap detection algorithm Able to against lighting changes

5.1.3. Disadvantages

5.1.4. Examples Popcode Google Goggles Vita Lemon Tea

5.2. Markerless Augmented Reality

5.2.1. Examples Pokemon Go Snapchat

5.2.2. Advantages Operate without marker

5.3. Projection Based Augmented Reality

5.3.1. Examples Educational Tool

5.3.2. Images are projected onto some objects

6. What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

6.1. Simple Explanation of AR

6.1.1. Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

7. Superimposition Based Augmented Reality