What is the connection to teens and video game addiction?

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What is the connection to teens and video game addiction? by Mind Map: What is the connection to teens and video game addiction?

1. Young teens know if their addicted to video games because they know its hard for them not to get online

2. Online video games can cause addiction because its known around the world that some kids can't get offline

3. Online Game Playing can be addictive

3.1. John G. Messerly teaches computer ethics and philosophy at Austin Community College and is the author of several publications, including An Introduction to Ethical Theories.

3.1.1. ¨The evidence for my claim is anecdotal, so it suffers from all the shortcomings of any un-scientific investigation. Despite this caveat, I am convinced of the negative effect games have on college students' academic performance and social relationships¨.(John G. Messerly teaches computer ethics and philosophy at Austin Community College) Gamers could ask whether all role-playing games are really as bad as I claim. First, I doubt the benefits can possibly outweigh the costs in terms of personal time and energy

3.1.2. ¨About 90% answered affirmatively, describing students whose fascination chained them to their apartments or dorm rooms for days, weeks, even semesters. Many admitted to having or having had this problem themselves¨.John G. Messerly teaches computer ethics and philosophy at Austin Community College and is the author of several publications, including An Introduction to Ethical Theories. If your teen doesn't do anything else but stay online then it become addiction,one sign of this will show that your teen isn't eating or interacting with the rest of the family.

3.2. He found that many college students, especially computer science majors, suffer from addictions to video games. Messerly concludes that many players turn to gaming as a way to escape from reality. When playing becomes compulsive and harmful to the gamer and others around him or her, then it is an addiction and must be treated as such.

4. Online Game playing is not addicting

4.1. . This is partly because "addiction" is a very loaded term. And it bears emphasizing that "addiction" is a very complicated concept. Some things, like coffee, cause physical addiction, and most people who drink coffee are technically addicted to coffee, but few people think of that addiction as a bad thing.

4.1.1. "Lost, but most of them are neither physically or psychologically addicted. They just use that word to imply how much fun they have with their hobby. But just because some people can become psychologically addicted to shopping or golf (or other idiosyncratic and bizarre activities) doesn't mean that these activities are addictive for everyone." I have been playing video games for a while now but it doesn't become a everyday thing because i have a social life.

4.1.2. "To argue that the application of "clinical addiction" on to different behaviors is somehow an objective scientific process is to ignore the fact that all social institutions are embedded in cultural and financial frameworks that shape their beliefs and actions. Addiction is a loaded word you necessarly cant be addicted to something you cant stop it.Its not that hard to be unattached from games.

4.2. It's not easy to talking about being addicted to something because if you know you aren't addicted to it but you show people the opposite its hard to explain

4.2.1. "When people use the term "online gaming addiction", they are encouraging others to think of online games as a kind of physical substance. This is a rhetorical move that asks the audience to ignore everything about MMOs except that they are like alcohol or cocaine. The problem is that online games aren't simply liquids or powders that are ingested." It has been applied to substances and simple behaviors such as gambling.

4.2.2. "Up till now, the label "addiction" has never been applied to a social place. It has been applied to substances and simple behaviors such as gambling. When the media and others use the term "online gaming addiction". I would argue that with our current social life involves online gaming addiction is a rhetorical strategy for implying a lot of conceptually misleading things.

4.3. The word addiction is used to me as someones is addicted to a certain drug or person otherwise,i've never heard anyone use it towards video games

4.3.1. I would disagree with people that say addiction is connected to video games because its clearly mislabeled.