In what ways do video games affect the human body, and how can we prevent addiction, but still enjoy games?
by Orion Fox
1. because it's the question of why video games can be addictive to all ages
2. because it's answers the question of why video games are addictive to people.
3. young reports,"Today, worldwide, hundreds of millions of people play video games and most of them are normal people"(young).
3.1. this means to me that most people that play video games are normal people and if there is a person that shoot up a school is because of the person depressed or suicidal thoughts.
4. Young also reports that, "according to the American Medical Association, up to 90 percent of American youngsters play video games and as many as 15 percent of them—more than 5 million children—may be addicted" (Young).
4.1. This shows that a high amount of people are addictive to video games.
5. video games aren't addictive because you decide to play them or not.
6. Young asserts, "about 10 percent of China's more than 30 million Internet gamers were said to be addicted" (Young).
6.1. this means to me that adults don't devote a lot of time to video games and also kids use them for escape or to feel free.
7. young reports "This past year 2011, the US Supreme Court was faced with the task of evaluating that research, in the case of Brown versus Entertainment Merchants Association".(young)
7.1. this means to me that the US has be think about banning violent video games.
8. young reports, "Online gaming is an emotionally draining and time-consuming activity. To create more time for the computer, gaming addicts neglect sleep, diet, exercise, hobbies, and socializing."(young).
9. Gary reports, "Playing these games a lot does not necessarily imply addiction; it just means that you are really into the game and enjoy it and are trying to get better at it"(Gary).
10. because video games aren't addictive and people can decide to hurt other people is their choices.
11. because people can decide to play the video games.
12. video games are addictive because the person makes the choices to play them instead of something else in your free time.
13. Ferguson reports, "We don't deny that new technologies come with some perils. We understand the nostalgia for the halcyon days of say, the 1950s"(Ferguson).
13.1. this means to me that back then we still where addictive to things even back then.
14. young reports," Evidence for addiction to video games is virtually nonexistent. That's not to say we and our children don't need to balance technology use with exercise"(Ferguson).
14.1. this means to me that video games shouldn't be balance then it come to being use.
15. Ferguson claims that "about 10 percent of China's more than 30 million Internet gamer were said to be addicted" (Ferguson).
15.1. this means to me that the USA is not the only ones that have the problem with video games being addictive.
16. Ferguson reports,"In some cases people engage in an activity not just because of their enjoyment of it, but also because it is an escape from something painful in their lives or is the only route available to them to satisfy basic psychological needs This can occur for adults as well as children."(Ferguson).
16.1. this means to me that people just don't play video games for the fun enjoyment of it, but sometimes to escape from things in their lives.
17. Ferguson reports, "Is video game addiction a real thing? It's certainly common to hear parents complain that their children are ''addicted'' to video games"(Ferguson).
18. Ferguson reports," The American Psychiatric Association has identified internet gaming disorder as a possible psychiatric illness, and the World Health Organization has proposed including ''gaming disorder''(Ferguson).